Just In
for Life is a Game of Chance

7/13/2011 c1 2channy-mega-fan
awwwwww this almost made me cry.So sad...will you write more?:D
10/4/2010 c1 QWERTY6755
I loved it! And I love you, Sarah! :) You rule!
10/3/2010 c1 21MYcatISmyBESTfriend
That was SO good(: It should definitely have more reviews! :) You're an awesome writer, don't forget it, okay? (:
10/3/2010 c1 24Adoxagraphy.Angelus
Oh, my gosh...

That was amazing. My arm is tingling because I feel bad (Is that weird? It's tingling.) for Sonny and Chad.

This was so original. AMAZING JOB, Sarahsota. Amazing job.
8/23/2010 c1 15myjumpingsocks
I really liked it, are you continuing? I didn't think Chad was OOC, you never know how someone will act when something like this happens!
8/19/2010 c1 18carebearfrost
WHOA! Why does this only have one review! I think it's AMAZINGG! :))))

I loved it. I really truly loved it. GAGH! Awesome work, sprite! (:

8/15/2010 c1 15AriSkyWriter
This story made me tear up! But it was really good. You have a talent for describing the setting really well. I could see the bare, desolate hallways of Condor Studios. And I'm glad that Chad and Sonny have each other :)

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