Just In
for Just Say Yes, Already

5/29/2013 c4 PoisonPineapple
I really enjoyed your story and hope for an update soon. Thank you for writing and sharing.
8/29/2012 c4 SiriuslyMrsMalfoy
How unfortunate that I've randomly come across a story that hasn't been updated in a year and I've fallen in falls love with it. :(:( please update, pretty please with a gajillion and one cherries on top!
3/16/2012 c4 11Vampire.Searcher
Hello, are you still writing this story?
7/30/2011 c4 7IAmTheLonelyHeart
I have to admit...I forgot about this story. Luckily, I've got it on email alert. ;) Awesome chapter though. I want a Draco to take me on a European date! In the meantime, I'll settle for a Dramione kiss. Next chapter? Maybe? Please?
7/29/2011 c4 Lingo10
I like this! cant wait to see whats the motive.
7/26/2011 c4 1Janelle Malfoy
Loving it! (:
7/26/2011 c4 3al2010
I'm really enjoying your story, especially how persistent Draco is. I just hope his motives aren't sinister. Can't wait for your next update!
7/26/2011 c4 sushiking
why this is nice! I'm glad I read it. Please do update asap. =)
7/25/2011 c4 4mentarisenja
you know, just to have you back and update the story make the nine months worth the wait.

i want more, though!
7/25/2011 c4 8Ninja Goldfish
To be quite honest, I had completely forgotten about this story. So I just reread all four chapters and I can really say that I am so excited for the next one :D Please please update soon!
5/21/2011 c3 fanismymiddlename
ooohh,this is exciting,please update soon.
5/9/2011 c3 EmmaLlewelyn
Please Continue :)
10/12/2010 c3 7lightning strikes 101
i STILL dont know why malfoy has to date hermione (hint hint)!

but lol, hmmm...what's up with lav?

and my gosh, i cant believe ron! what a loser! and how mean was he when he said what!no! seriously, i felt like clubbing him on the head with something incredibly painful.

and awww...loved how hermione was like: dont read into it.

lol, awesome chapter,

as usual

update soon!
10/7/2010 c3 calmbeforethestorm123
Pretty interesting story! Can't wait to

and you definitely deserve more reviews than that!
10/5/2010 c3 5pansy25
I really hope this date wouldn't be awkward. Its hard not to be skeptic of Malfoy... I just hope nothing goes wrong in this date...
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