1/1/2011 c6 Guest
Absolutely loved it...the last chapter was a little rushed but I think it was just because the ideas were flowing in rapid speed. Very good I look forward to reading. More of your stories.
Absolutely loved it...the last chapter was a little rushed but I think it was just because the ideas were flowing in rapid speed. Very good I look forward to reading. More of your stories.
12/31/2010 c6 2tinychef
Absolutely loved it...the last chapter was a little rushed but I think it was just because the ideas were flowing in rapid speed. Very good I look forward to reading. More of your stories.
Absolutely loved it...the last chapter was a little rushed but I think it was just because the ideas were flowing in rapid speed. Very good I look forward to reading. More of your stories.
12/18/2010 c5 p
i dont think elena would sleep with damon
i dont think elena would sleep with damon
9/10/2010 c5 4Scottie2787
Aw :)I feel so sorry for poor Stefan! But I love the elena and damon relationship, it's really really good. This is one of my fave fanfics ever ;) please update soon! x
Aw :)I feel so sorry for poor Stefan! But I love the elena and damon relationship, it's really really good. This is one of my fave fanfics ever ;) please update soon! x
9/6/2010 c4 5Snad
So far the story is amazing and so cute. Daman and Elena have been my favorite couple/couple whoshouldbe since their first scene in the book. Eagerly awaiting more!
So far the story is amazing and so cute. Daman and Elena have been my favorite couple/couple whoshouldbe since their first scene in the book. Eagerly awaiting more!
9/4/2010 c4 3softballchick94
for one...milkshake and fries..yummy!
for two...this is rele good..i wanna read some more so update!:)
for one...milkshake and fries..yummy!
for two...this is rele good..i wanna read some more so update!:)
9/4/2010 c4 2Jenbanks71
Omg...This is awesome...As is anythig that pisses St. Stefa off...Will there b a sex scene...what about a point of view for Sage...very good Damon/Elena action
Omg...This is awesome...As is anythig that pisses St. Stefa off...Will there b a sex scene...what about a point of view for Sage...very good Damon/Elena action
9/3/2010 c4 4Scottie2787
That was really good loved it :) Though personally I think Milkshake and fries would be disgusting! Anyway I thought it was great. One of the best Delena stories I've read so far! Please update soon! x Hahah Jealous Stefan is funny! x Update, pretty please! x
That was really good loved it :) Though personally I think Milkshake and fries would be disgusting! Anyway I thought it was great. One of the best Delena stories I've read so far! Please update soon! x Hahah Jealous Stefan is funny! x Update, pretty please! x
9/2/2010 c3 katherineelena
i think you should have part where she gets in her spitural mode.cause damon and stefan are fighting over and she cant take it anymore.and her eyes glow and she is kind of hovering above ground and when she talks its like there is a hundred other voices with voice and she says:
-i am part of a millon others you think that i am human you areso foolish. you fight like cats and dogs over me why? why i am so imortant to you i will soon be gone if your not careful!
but she says it with no emotion and then falls to the ground and gets knock out.
i think you should have part where she gets in her spitural mode.cause damon and stefan are fighting over and she cant take it anymore.and her eyes glow and she is kind of hovering above ground and when she talks its like there is a hundred other voices with voice and she says:
-i am part of a millon others you think that i am human you areso foolish. you fight like cats and dogs over me why? why i am so imortant to you i will soon be gone if your not careful!
but she says it with no emotion and then falls to the ground and gets knock out.
9/2/2010 c3 katherineelena
i like the story so far so please please keep on writing!
i like the story so far so please please keep on writing!
9/1/2010 c3 Scottie2787
I love this :) So so much :) It's really good ! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! PLEASE! x I really like it :) x
I love this :) So so much :) It's really good ! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! PLEASE! x I really like it :) x
8/31/2010 c1 Jennifer
This is awesome! Loved the Stefan/Damon drama and anytime Damon gets the upper hand on Elena i'm all for it...Great Job
This is awesome! Loved the Stefan/Damon drama and anytime Damon gets the upper hand on Elena i'm all for it...Great Job