Just In
for Road Trip

8/31/2010 c3 Pacem
oh i love it. I wonder would Elena feel this strong connection to Damon if we were still a Vampire? and would Stefan still react this way if Damon was still a Vampire? I think Damon being human gives him the edge with Elena.

Stefan actions are pushing Elena and Damon together. Maybe there could be a conflict scene b/t Elena and Stefan saying as much i.e. Elena stating she as a connection to Damon as they have gone through a lot together and also she saw him, the true self and his love for her. But she still loves Stefan but he is making hard to be with him because of the way he is treating her.It makes Damon look even better!
8/25/2010 c2 Jennyfromtheblock'96
like ur story!
8/19/2010 c2 6sneakykid
Keep up the good work!

Good job Vahanian's sister! lol
8/19/2010 c2 simply-irrelevant
I'm very eager to see what happens next on this roadtrip :)
8/18/2010 c1 sneakykid
Oohhhhh! Me likey! Great job with the details!

I can't wait for more!
8/16/2010 c1 Pacem
Oh, cannot wait for the next chapter!
8/16/2010 c1 Dai-Light
I like it update soon!
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