9/16/2018 c2 garrukkingofbeasts
I can't read this anymore. Grammarly is a free online spelling/grammar tool, and I highly recommend that you acquire it and make heavy use of it.
I can't read this anymore. Grammarly is a free online spelling/grammar tool, and I highly recommend that you acquire it and make heavy use of it.
12/31/2017 c3 Geae
Thanks was quite cool
Thanks was quite cool
7/23/2017 c3 PLEASE READ ME
Think about it joker, a five year old beats you up when bat man can't and the kid does it faster hilarious. Try making fun of batman to his face with that!
Think about it joker, a five year old beats you up when bat man can't and the kid does it faster hilarious. Try making fun of batman to his face with that!
12/31/2016 c3 visioning.goblin
This story is very good and I would love to see it continued if that is possible
This story is very good and I would love to see it continued if that is possible
12/6/2015 c3 johnsonjacob217
Can you put catwoman in it because Ivy, Harley, and catwoman all joined together at one point and became friends.
Can you put catwoman in it because Ivy, Harley, and catwoman all joined together at one point and became friends.
10/29/2015 c3
I know who I want in the harem . Cho,Hermione, Luna, catwoman,raven,and Rouge.

I know who I want in the harem . Cho,Hermione, Luna, catwoman,raven,and Rouge.
6/13/2015 c2
Why are u plaguerizing HARRY ISLEY story... this is almost WORD for fucking WORD...

Why are u plaguerizing HARRY ISLEY story... this is almost WORD for fucking WORD...
1/16/2015 c2 Guest
Meh, you're spelling and grammar needs a lot of work.
Meh, you're spelling and grammar needs a lot of work.