Just In
for harry's new beginings

3/11/2023 c3 starboy454
Good story so far looking forward to more of it
4/27/2019 c3 alicia7788
4/14/2019 c3 Jacob Fritzsching
Please update your story soon!
9/16/2018 c2 garrukkingofbeasts
I can't read this anymore. Grammarly is a free online spelling/grammar tool, and I highly recommend that you acquire it and make heavy use of it.
4/28/2018 c3 ghackethal
Ah I love it please add more
12/31/2017 c3 Geae
Thanks was quite cool
7/23/2017 c3 PLEASE READ ME
Think about it joker, a five year old beats you up when bat man can't and the kid does it faster hilarious. Try making fun of batman to his face with that!
12/31/2016 c3 visioning.goblin
This story is very good and I would love to see it continued if that is possible
12/25/2015 c3 58randomplotbunny
So fantastic!
12/6/2015 c3 johnsonjacob217
Can you put catwoman in it because Ivy, Harley, and catwoman all joined together at one point and became friends.
10/29/2015 c3 2breannapierson1990
I know who I want in the harem . Cho,Hermione, Luna, catwoman,raven,and Rouge.
6/13/2015 c2 1KingLoitl
Why are u plaguerizing HARRY ISLEY story... this is almost WORD for fucking WORD...
1/16/2015 c2 Guest
Meh, you're spelling and grammar needs a lot of work.
10/9/2014 c2 45Hikari Nova
so far not bad needs a beta reader to help with your grammar errors tho
9/8/2014 c3 2The.Pumkin.Qween
He mugged joker... I can die happy now!
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