Just In
for Daddy

2/13/2014 c5 Guest
a new baby. great.

wish there was more to the story.
2/13/2014 c4 Guest
fun chapter.
2/13/2014 c3 Guest
sweet chapter.
2/13/2014 c2 Guest
Operation Babe in school.. so cute.
7/29/2013 c4 9the newest daughter
I love daddy ranger but zorro ranger is better
10/9/2011 c5 deviates322
Very cute story. I just love ranger and Steph as a family!
11/27/2010 c5 24jago-ji
So sweet, the perfect life. Things may change if the new one's a boy. Wonderful holiday story.
11/25/2010 c5 babe4ever52
Great chapter! Loved Lottie idea of writing down what they were thankful for and then reading them out loud. Happy Thanksgiving.
11/25/2010 c5 ctmerk
This is a delightful story. Each chapter full of laughter and love.

I am thankful for lovely writers like you who constantly amaze me with your wonderful talent.

Please keep writing. Thank you so much.
11/25/2010 c5 36writersblock24
Yay! Exciting Thanksgiving. Great job!
11/25/2010 c5 6rangergirl1234
A beautiful story!
11/25/2010 c5 1Mik N'jirnav
What a lovely Thanksgiving story! Very charming.
11/25/2010 c5 Barb4psu
great chapter! so cute
11/25/2010 c5 janetfan150
Awwww, that was so sweet. Loved it.
11/25/2010 c5 2Emilie Martel and RE Nobert
How appropriate. Happy T Day. gobble gobble.
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