Just In
for Soul Fliers

10/3/2010 c4 1the.STARS.and.I.say.GOODBYE
This is cool. Mucho Interesting. Are birds of night real? Cuz I'd like to look them up~ Nah, I'm not that stupid, Ik theyre fake but is Mike newton the EneMy!
9/26/2010 c4 11ShadowBest
hurry up its good plz update soon
9/11/2010 c4 SoundsLikeAPersonalProblem
this is an awesome story updates soon
9/6/2010 c4 89780975567890
I loved it! That was so interesting! Looks like Edward is in love!
9/5/2010 c4 Eris1031
Fabulous update, great legend. Hope you find your muse soon.
9/5/2010 c4 silverdust101
okay this is great, finally a story where bella is a shape shifter, feel sorry for her though with her family and all. i hope she gets revenge, probably the cullens will help. i love ur story. plz update soon.
9/5/2010 c4 lynnherman
Keep writing! I am very intrigued! :o)
9/3/2010 c4 lynne0731
I loved it!

I hope the demon of writers block goes away soon!

9/3/2010 c4 WellWhoKnew
yay! we know what bella is! i loved the chapter, but it was horrible how u ended it! just kidding. though it was like kind of a cliff hanger because i dont know what edward thinks or what will happen next. i love the story though! wounderful!XD
9/3/2010 c4 Twisted Musalih
I love it! Update soon
9/3/2010 c4 51BrownEyedGirl1
awesome! cant wait for the next chapter xx
9/3/2010 c4 westernem
sorry that you have to put it on hiatus, writers block sucks. but thanks for letting us know what bella was before you take a break - think i would have gone insane if you hadn't :D
9/3/2010 c4 16animal8
Brilliant! Really, really loved this chapter. Fantastic descriptions of the legends and exactly what Bella is, amazing unveiling as well ;D. Definitely loved that. Bet the Cullens will have some things to discuss with Bella when she gets back from wherever she is going. How old is Bella exactly? It sounds from the legend as if she has lived quite a long time. Good that there are some unsolved things in this still, like where Bella is going. The suspense makes things all the better ;D. Hope you get rid of the writer's black soon, horrible thing that is ;D. Really looking forward to reading more of this and seeing what happens now and having the other mysteries resolved ;D. Definitely cannot wait for more. Please, update soon! ;)
9/3/2010 c4 EntrappedInACageOfMyOwnMaking
So she's a celestial shapeshifter? I'm still confused on this soul fliers species. Can you email me with a more indepth description, so i'm not so confused! Besides that, this story is amazing, i can't wait to read the next installment, CURSE YOUR WRITERS BLOCK!
9/3/2010 c4 xXSqueakXx
This is really good.

And I mean really good.

Like, proffesional.

Lots of love,


Team Edward
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