Just In
for Soul Fliers

8/20/2010 c1 1LeelaCullen
WOW this is fantastic! I can't wait to read more. Please update soon
8/19/2010 c1 1Child of the True King
Sounds great so far, please continue :)
8/19/2010 c1 7FaetheCreates
:O That was great! Hehehe she knows... At least she didn't seem freaked out or anything by it. :) This first chapter is great, I can't wait for the rest of the story!

8/19/2010 c1 Eris1031
This is really, really good. Please update soon.
8/19/2010 c1 Twisted Musalih
Like it! Update soon
8/19/2010 c1 lynne0731
this is a winner!
8/19/2010 c1 EntrappedInACageOfMyOwnMaking
I cant wait to read what she is, is she a mermaid a faerie? :) well until the next chapter.
8/19/2010 c1 1sally94
This story seems very interesting. What is Bella? Please update soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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