Just In
for Soul Fliers

2/24/2011 c14 CGRAY3119
i love the story thank you for sharing...would ever consider writing an epilogue or a continuation to this story?
2/24/2011 c14 2VP4444
hey that was a good way to end the story. im glad that you had fun writing this story because i had fun reading it. well good bye for now and bye!
2/24/2011 c14 2lynettecullen
VERY good ending.

I'm SO glad that it wasn't bull.
2/24/2011 c14 UnseenAngel22
Bravo! Bravo! that was an incredible story. very nicely written. 5 stars. 3
2/24/2011 c14 5vivx-chan
so sweet! loved it!
2/23/2011 c13 unregisteredloser
Simply Aaaaaamazing! Love the whole story! Can't wait for the epilouge, and it is very well written.
2/22/2011 c13 CGRAY3119
THat was beautiful
2/22/2011 c13 6Lionnara
that was amazing i see its soon is over(story)

love it..

keep going..
2/22/2011 c13 2lynettecullen
I'm glad that Bella kicked ass.

I also like Bella's bird form. I wasn't expecting that.
2/22/2011 c12 9Modern Audrey
I'm a little confused. Why would Bella remark about not bringing an untrained fighter into battle? Why would the wolves be considered more well trained or experienced? Last time I checked, they were a bunch of teenagers who randomly assumed the ability to transform into wolves less than a year ago. Apart from brute strength, it would be lambs to the slaughter. Whereas the Cullens range from just below a century to three centuries old. Wouldn't it be more logical to assume they've been in a fight or two more than the wolf pack?

It's a little distracting, and as it effects the way we are supposed to view Bella's actions in so many prior chapters I feel like the huge gap in logic really takes away from the story so far.
2/22/2011 c13 HopePotterMasen
Wonderful chapter

made me a little sad at the end

Update soon please :)
2/22/2011 c13 5vivx-chan
loved this chapter! (Don't know what else to say XD)
2/21/2011 c12 HopePotterMasen
Great chapter can’t wait for the fight, update soon,

and quick updates for lion sleeps, sweet :)
2/21/2011 c11 HopePotterMasen
*fantastic* :)
2/20/2011 c12 CGRAY3119
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