Just In
for Judgement Day for Dumbledore

4/18/2021 c1 59EdTheBeast
Descent story. Not a must read!
7/12/2018 c1 Cassandra30
Awesome! Well written!
12/25/2017 c1 Rune Tobor

Albus Dumbledore is a dark lord.

He knew about the Dursleys, it is in the books!

No "Leader of the Light" would let a child be abused!

Dumbledore is DARK, Fawkes is a FOOL!

Oh and Rowling is retarded...

Snape is not a good person.
One evil man fighting another Evil man does not make one of them GOOD!

Someone should write a story where Harry dies early on at the Dursleys and Dumbledore is forced to take his place!
If anyone takes up this challenge, Albus magic needs to be bound and his memory tampered with so he CAN NOT change things much.
Dumbledore denied others choice in their lives, he should have been killed at birth.
6/9/2014 c1 missgsmith51
Regarding some errors, remember that this website has a weird habit of making "incorrect corrections" if you aren't careful to catch them. Sometimes I forget to proofread a second time and find lots of little strange words I didn't actually type that were substituted for me! The errors aren't always your fault.

Good story. I agree that Dumbledore has many things for which to answer ... although I'm hard-pressed to understand how he can possibly defend a lot of his actions. Greater good, my foot!
6/9/2014 c1 Gracealma
Love it. I thought that Dumbledore never understood people. That actions or inactions have consequences.
4/14/2013 c1 3ObsessedWithHPFanFic
Good story and interesting to understand how Albus failed so terrible with Harry and Tom. Thanks for sharing!
6/6/2012 c1 25Miriam1
This an interseting look at what might have been Dumbledore's judgment. It is interesting that it runs similar to my belief system.

This was very cool, and I thank you for it.

Dumbledore did many things over the course of his long life. Tom and Harry, though, were his biggest blind spots. I agree that he hurt many people, but none perhaps as intensely as these two orphaned boys.

This was very touching, and I appreciatd reading it.


4/13/2012 c1 mrjordanriver
stoup / stoop
1/24/2011 c1 azntgr01
Interesting idea for a one shot. Wish there was confrontation between AD & the Potters, but this was an nice read about how he realizes how much harm he did.
8/22/2010 c1 49The Autistic Patriot
So he becomes a wandering spirit on Earth, huh? If I go to heaven one day, I'd like to go off to wander the Earth as a spirit.

Keep up the good work!
8/22/2010 c1 7Very Small Prophet
Only Tom and Harry? Nothing about Snape, who had enslaved himself to Dumbledore for half his life and had just ripped his own soul on Dumbledore's orders? But I suppose God is a Gryffindor and cares nothing for greasy, heart-broken gits.

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