Just In
for One Shot Turn Someone We Would Never Expect

8/24/2010 c1 sluggysmom
That was awesome!
8/24/2010 c1 Eric's No 1 lover
You were right, I definitely wouldn't have seen that coming. It's quite fitting really! I wonder what the FOTS would think.

Eric sounds wonderful as he setled into married life with Sookie.

Well done.
8/24/2010 c1 Hathor321
Ohhh I love it! You had me totally suprised! You should keep it going and maybe turm sookie!
8/24/2010 c1 VAlady
Arlene a vampire.. how ironic. It has symmetry though, embracing what she feared and hated. And of course Eric is right, it's a PR dream come true. Very clever.
8/23/2010 c1 Trajedy99
Jesus Christ Shepherd of Judea! Arlene! Nah, can't see it. Eric would rather she evaporated. Thank you and regards. Trudy
8/23/2010 c1 CindyKay
Well that was unexpected, lol. Well done!

8/23/2010 c1 livesimple
That was a good one! I did so NOT expected that..
8/23/2010 c1 gnrclln
Certainly didn't expect that. I still think Arlene is a bitch but I enjoyed this little one shot.
8/23/2010 c1 TeaCupHuman
That was inspired. I could totally see this situation. Great work
8/23/2010 c1 1Seamstress
Oooohh - you got me...

When I first started reading, I thought I was listening to Sam's voice calling Sookie. I was thinking it was Lindy who was sick and ready to be turned...

Great job! Way to be tricky!
8/23/2010 c1 Chipndalegal
That was a wonderful ironic twist of fate. You did great at the challenge and as always you voice Eric and Sookie so perfectly. Nice!
8/23/2010 c1 70Suki59
Great job, tracee! You definitely met the challenge. We never would have expected the Viking to take pity on Arlene!
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