Just In
for Starry Eyed Inside

6/14/2017 c31 3AbruptlyChagrined
6/14/2017 c31 vamploverrr
Aw yay! So proud of you! Congrats!

~ Love
6/14/2017 c31 mms1972
Soooooo excited! I re-read this today straight thru!
6/14/2017 c31 3reve2weaver
One of my all time favorites! This will make for some great summer reading.
All the best,
6/14/2017 c8 1EdwardsFirstKiss
I never had a boy sneak through my window, but my HS BF used to stay over and my grandmother was hard of hearing. Lol.

My room was right next to hers with a double bed and a twin. I can't believe she honestly thought he stayed in the twin bed all night. Lol

God, I was so freaking lucky I never got pregnant.
6/14/2017 c31 sunflowers13
Awesome! Congratulations! How very exciting! Happy for you Thank you
6/14/2017 c31 Moltz
So excited for you!
6/13/2017 c31 Guest
Well bravo!
6/13/2017 c31 Guest
Congratulations girl! I am in
6/13/2017 c31 Guest
Fantastic! Is it available for pre-order, yet?
I will definitely purchase this.
Congrat to you!
6/14/2017 c31 redviolet
6/14/2017 c31 kmfroggi
Congrats and good luck!
6/14/2017 c31 1Pyejammies
I'm so pleased for you. I hope it does well.
6/14/2017 c31 1Rae1990
This is soooo exciting! I re read this this other day.. are you thinking if doing the same with volition? Just reread that one for the 4th time and finished it yesterday. I love your writing xx
6/14/2017 c31 xoHunnyxBunnyxo
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