Just In
for Starry Eyed Inside

8/21/2018 c30 SoCalTwiNurse
This futuretake was everything! Ending perfectly again! They're both still young & in college so I love that instead of a proposal, it's more of a promise. So much more realistic than other fics. It was hard reading about their fight but as always it was just the right amount of angst for this story/futuretake.

The promise ring... Bella thinking back & knowing she'd make that kind of promise every single year after she met him & then realizing she's not meant to ever get over hime (I know the feeling lol)'s the sweetest thing! I can't believe this really is the end. I've loved every single I said previously, you are amazing!
8/21/2018 c29 SoCalTwiNurse
GAH! Thank you for the EPOV! I always love getting into Edward's head but especially your Edward. That last line..."What an understatement. I loved her." *swoon*
8/21/2018 c28 SoCalTwiNurse
Awwww what a beautiful story! I'm sorry I haven't reviewed every chapter but I was so enthralled that I just kept going to the next chapter, then the next chapter, etc. I had a hard time with Bella moving on and losing her virginity to Garrett but it made sense for this story. E & B both had to be on their own for awhile Younger Edward was so mysterious & flirty and older Edward was so much more mature and sexy...great character development! I really loved that he came back only to realize how much he missed & loved Bella. And Bella's reaction to Edward when he came back...she couldn't deny that those old feelings were very much real and hard to move on from. I really hope it is a forever love for them...I think it will be. There's more chapters to go...I hope it's an epilogue!

Thanks for such a fantastic're an amazing writer. I've been reading fanfic for so long that I'm still surprised when there are so many epic stories out there that I still haven't read like this one. It brought back all those nostalgic high school memories...the good & bad. I'm so sad this is over but you ended it perfectly!
8/20/2018 c3 SoCalTwiNurse
OMG! Such a great first kiss! I don't know if Edward really likes Bella or if he just figured out she likes him & he's kinda drunk & a little high... Anyway, another great chapter!

I don't really remember mine sadly...
8/20/2018 c2 SoCalTwiNurse
I always read on my Kindle but I had to come here to review...I'm loving this fic so far because it's SO high a good way! Instead of being annoyed with HS Edward & Bella as one sometimes is with certain fics, all I'm feeling is nostalgia. Onto the next chapter!
8/19/2018 c31 2Make A Choice
Love love love this story! Would love to see a one shot of Rose and Emmett when they were fighting!
So happy I had the opportunity to read it. Thank you
8/17/2018 c30 1insomniacinsanity
I've just gotta say - thank you for such a beautiful ride! Weirdly I feel like parts of Bella's life (especially her journey with Garrett) are mirroring my own, and so I guess it's nice to see the words written down. Makes me feel less crazy. I really fell for this story, so thanks again :)
8/5/2018 c31 1Jesstew
8/2/2018 c6 Jesstew
It's weird because they don't even talk. I have no idea how is Edward's personality ... there's no dialogues and that's kinda boring.
6/22/2018 c31 Navya Agarwal
I love sooooo much. This is one brilliant piece of work. like really, the best ExB book I've ever read. Thank you so very much for writing this book.
3/18/2018 c30 karunakannu1999
Loved the story.
One of my favorite stories.
Thank you.
12/3/2017 c31 narsuess
Thank you for sharing this and for not pulling this story out (since you published this), really thank you.

I just had the best hours of my life reading this, I gave up few hours of sleeping for this fic (I need at least 8hours usually, ha!), I just couldn't seem to stop reading this. This story is far from dramatic, sometimes authors write dramatic storylines to make readers hooked, sometimes they succeed sometimes they don't because dramatics sometimes mean too much. And that's the main reason I love this story, this story is so simple but you managed to make this so interesting that I enjoyed reading this. Not many authors can pull something like This, I get simple sometimes but but after 30 chapters or so I stop reading when boredom comes. You have ways with words that's for sure.

I love that you wrote this from bella's point of view only, I love how sweet and real their love story (through out the story I want your Edward kind of boyfriend!), I love the way you described bella's feelings (so real that I remembered my high school romance, I'm sure I'm not the only one). I so love this fic!

You're so awesome. You'll hear from me, I'll read your other stories.

Thanks again!
11/11/2017 c31 itaipu
Hey! I read the e-book, I'm really proud of you! Of all stories you wrote that I read, this one is your very best (in my opinion). I always had a soft spot for this Bella because she is a teenager trying to find love and then being true to who she is. Also, she values her friendships and the love the girls have for each other is the most beautiful thing in the story, is better than any pairing. They together truly are magic. Anyway, what Edward and Bella have is very sweet. I can't really explain it right, but you really gave them magic in the whole way you wrote the story. I reread it with Aurora and Skyler and I fell in love with them again, even though I did miss Bella and Edward. I hope you keep writing and doing amazing work, I'll be following. )
10/25/2017 c13 Barbell21
Im so glad Bella isn’t waiting for Edward like a mopey teenager.
9/16/2017 c30 ppeaches
The way you portray crushes and young love is so perfect and spot-on. It takes me back to high school and that giddy, butterfly feeling you'd get everytime you saw your crush. Ahh, so perfect. I love it

One of my all time favourite fics! I've read it so many times but I'm not sure if I've ever reviews before. Just wanna say how fantastic it is and how much I still love it.

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