Just In
for Meeting the Cullens

9/28/2012 c3 3MunVPurplePotato
11/25/2011 c11 SeanHicks4
Interesting cross, but the ending seemed kinda rushed
9/17/2011 c5 6Aron LeStrange
This is a good story
7/29/2011 c11 104HeKillsWithHisSmile
Great story! well done!
6/6/2011 c2 Guest
it is awsome i loved it:)
3/5/2011 c1 Justalostflutterby
great story, loved it. To call it for the sequel i think that the name that you gave it was good "Oh no, not again!" I'm sure that you'll be able to think of another name if you don't like that one. :)
2/20/2011 c1 uhhhh
You started in Rose's perspective, and then you transitioned to a narrator not even in the story. It would be "hey" he said as elbowed ME. Not "hey" he said as he elbowed rose, because you ARE rose!
2/19/2011 c11 7xteamalicecullenx
1 girl!
2/19/2011 c11 Justalostflutterby
I think it should be a girl and another girl;

Ronnie (veronica) deffo

and...i'm just thinking of one...

Samantha, maybe? Blonde hair...:) x
2/12/2011 c10 6rubyred21
1/23/2011 c10 Nutty Nube 2
Love the story idea, one thing though that you need to work on. If you're going to write how Rose would talk stick to it and don't just throw in a few "'ere" because it breaks it up. Check your grammar and spelling and reread sentences because sometimes they don't quite work and make sense so just read it back to yourself. Otherwise it's great.
12/14/2010 c9 xteamalicecullenx
so good update soon!
12/2/2010 c10 7xteamalicecullenx
wow really good love it pleases write more!
10/20/2010 c10 Justalostflutterby
Firstly i love this chapter. secondly, like the name of the chapa=ter. and yes yes it is hilarious! love'it how Seth imprints on Vera! x
10/19/2010 c10 5jcdteenagedream5913
"Back!Back!" Lol
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