Just In
for Tales of an Ice Cream Queen

2/8/2016 c1 mngirl
I just started season 4 this weekend (I'm no longer a Gilmore Girls Virgin! Yay!) and gaaaaaaahhhh Jess and Rory break my heart because I'm such a shameless Jess/Rory shipper. So I was so happy to read an alternate ending!
(and please come back! I'm sure life is crazy, so come back when you have time but you are missed!)
6/30/2011 c1 sfbxfcb
10/11/2010 c1 14Insideavoice
this was a GENIUS idea. hilarious and so cute!

thanks for writing :)
9/16/2010 c1 10watram
Aww, that was adorable AND hilarious and made me crave for rocky road. He said 'the rest of our lives'! I'm officially melted. Lovely work!
8/29/2010 c1 24Midnight-Gypsy101
Nice story very cute.
8/27/2010 c1 kylielink
liked it.
8/27/2010 c1 1socatherine
I love this. I wish Jess hadn't left at the end of season 3 :(
8/27/2010 c1 MonisMelody
Very entertaining fic with cute banter!
8/27/2010 c1 5LiteratiLady
This was a funny story and full of good mocking! Good work. :)
8/26/2010 c1 3The Reigning LauraLi
Ah, I see I'm not the only one who's taking a Lit look at those early days of Yale! Bravo, my friend.

Short, sweet (if you'll pardon the dessert pun), and to the point.

I particularly liked the mention of cones. They are very important.

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