Just In
for One of the Best

12/29/2020 c11 Guest
Great story!
7/5/2013 c11 33caldera32
Haha... Peter inspecting the cake under polarized light is a hilarious image...
Felt a bit rushed at the end, but quite enjoyable regardless :)
11/15/2012 c11 48BlueDiamondStar
This was totally adorable story. So loved reading it.
11/12/2012 c11 wotumba1
great story!

good to have the old neal back!
11/12/2012 c10 wotumba1
i'm sure the old neal will come back, or at least i do hope so... i miss him already! i mean not that i don't like the new neal and all the chances he has in the future, but still...
11/12/2012 c8 wotumba1
neal is starting to remember, that's a good sign, right?
11/12/2012 c7 wotumba1
good choice peter!
11/12/2012 c6 wotumba1
like the part of the truth that peter's going with, i do think that's the best approach, stick to the truth but at the time being leave the bad parts out...
11/12/2012 c5 wotumba1
wow, a full-out fight, never thought i'd see that happen
11/12/2012 c4 wotumba1
poor neal! must be awful to wake up and not remember anything at all
4/26/2012 c11 182JackiLeigh
Just read the story. Neal whumpage is always a wonderful thing, so thanks for that. I really enjoyed it.
12/11/2011 c11 caffrey girl
Awesome story. Beautiful portrayal of Neal. You made me smile with tears on my eyes by the en of it.
9/29/2011 c11 4LvSammy
Not bad, not bad at all...I really enjoyed this. Thanks for the entertainment.
3/28/2011 c11 2MiniMinor
Love this for your first attempt! You have captured the characters idiosyncrasies really well. I look forward to reading the others :-)
1/14/2011 c11 3dusty violet
I really enjoyed watching Neal recover his memories and rebuild his relationships... great story!
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