Just In
for The way you make me feel

11/24/2010 c5 2NobleBoss
Lmbo! O.O he commited suicide! Ok at first when I read it I thought wtf? but then I read it again and it was so halarious for some unknown reason. This last chapter was great and very realistic (i.e Kira's obsessiveness) but not to be petty; how did Kira survive the blows from Suzumebachi?
11/22/2010 c1 Amy
That was so so good! Plzzz make an another chapther! That was so amazing!
11/22/2010 c4 NobleBoss
Lol! Kira's still alive and they had probably forgotten about him. btw I liked it before but now I'm enthralled by your story. (I wish the chapters were a little longer though.) This story has so muuch more potential! I strongly encourage you tto keep writing it cause its really good! The only points of criticism I have are the shortness of the chapters and the spelling every now and then but please don't give up on this story and update soon. :)
11/22/2010 c3 NobleBoss
...She killed Kira...and Hisagis still confessing and thinking about whether or not she'll like him while his best friend is lying dead on the floor...smooth Hisagi ...real smooth. Good chapter, it was entertaining and somewhat funny that she chose to kill Kira first.
11/22/2010 c2 NobleBoss
I really love this pairing too and im glad that your writing about it. Good chapter and the spelling was better but still needed some tweaking. I really hope youll continue writing and find an ending for the story! (alot of people dont finish their stories) If the ending doesnt lie in the nxt 2 chapters.) Lol Izuru seems like a jealous wife lol
9/8/2010 c2 57can I have a new username
Cliffhanger! O.0 xD

NIhihi, unpdate soon~ I wonder whose familiar voice it is xD
9/6/2010 c2 7GeassReaction
I love to read more.

I am fan of HisagixSoifon as well.

I also love Izuru, since I am a fan of him. w;

But I am liking it. ^w^;
8/28/2010 c1 57can I have a new username
'squeals' Another HisaSoi! Yay!~~ By you! xD

'hugs her bear' Yay C:

So-oo... moving on xD

I liked it, but it seems that since this is your first story posted, your punctuation and spelling is a little off ^.^ Word has a spellchecker, you can always use it~~ Or, if you're lazier, you can get a beta reader, who'd do all the dirty work xD (I can do that for you, if you want xD)

And, yosh, I want more C:

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