Just In
for You Came for Me

8/3/2019 c1 5hanasemi
So beautiful and canon-like :"(( especially that last sentence
6/27/2018 c1 9Dreams Of A Shipper
That was so beautifully phrased! I need a 3rd season sooo badly! They need to get a happy ending...
2/8/2018 c1 12roses-and-flowers23
Great work!
7/18/2012 c1 Neko
My god... I have to say this was amazing! I totally love this, and it's pretty close to what I think it happened after the ending of the second season.

Great job!
6/10/2012 c1 MaxiMillion77
Love It!
6/7/2012 c1 6Lucem Yoru
Fantastic. That's all I can say to this :3
11/13/2011 c1 Zeorth
hey got a question since you did such a good job! maybe you could do your version of season 3 just in case season 3 doesn't come out which i hope it does!
9/5/2011 c1 36darkdoll25
Oh, so sweet! I LOVE Hei/Yin and I'm like they TOTALLY have feelings for each other! I mean did you see the 3 episodes of the OVA? :D
4/27/2011 c1 milk
daaaaaahhh...I love it =u= I just hope season 3 (if there WILL be any..) provides all the answers we need. I'm just itching to know what really is happening, and more than that, I want to know what's going to happen with HEI AND YIN! O
1/13/2011 c1 2fionamoto
Simply amazing! I really hope that they have a season 3 with such a lovely ending.
10/18/2010 c1 zecross
ohh i hope the ending is like this too hahaha

well hope there wil be season 3 to answer all my question about DTB, anyway great story
9/7/2010 c1 zec
oh yeah sory i forgot

have you seen the ova before you made this stories?
9/7/2010 c1 zec
wow such a good end

i support for your ideas of yin and hei in DTB season3 i hope it will be good ending betwen hei and yin

sory for my bad english
9/1/2010 c1 Kristen
Wow. Amazing. Really. It was very good writing and definitely left me wanting more.
9/1/2010 c1 Neko Mimi Moe

I just wish that there was a season 3 coming out.
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