Just In
for Reflections of the Past and the Noise Within

10/10/2011 c1 xHitanTenshi
You have done a great job of writing from the viewpoint of the forest's collective consciousness. I very much enjoy this.

I am a bit confused as to whether Rima is male or female...
9/28/2011 c4 xRangiku
I really like this! It is written in the style of the movie! So perfect. I envy you. Keep going! Even for the silent readers who don't review. I'm sure there are many who read and love. I look forward to more!
6/20/2011 c4 8Kohaku-Hime
its not ToolaXAgito...but

IT IS REALLY GOOD! wow i read it thinking watevs i have nothing better to do, but this, this is AWESOME u HAVE to UPDATE soon! dont have updating issues like i do!
4/2/2011 c4
Hey. I'm reviewing. Post? -offers a cookie-
2/18/2011 c4 70Kurohane Ookami
I love this movie! I saw your fanfic and had to read it, and I'm glad I did. Please update soon!
2/2/2011 c4 TreehuggerXD
I'm loving this story so far! Are you going to update? If there's anything you can improve on, it would be getting the plot going. I really want to know what's going to happen. That's all I can point out so far, but it's a great story. Please continue!
1/30/2011 c3 Moongirl12121
u need a bit more action, is she suposed to fall in love with Agito?
1/30/2011 c2 Moongirl12121
this is getting rather interesting...
1/30/2011 c1 Moongirl12121
i love this movie 2! its alittle confusing in a few parts, but otherwise great job!
11/23/2010 c4 Dark09
I just finished watching OSotP an hour ago and started looking around for some fic's. A little disapointed theres so few fic out there to read, but this one is pretty good mate :-)! I'll be keeping an eye on this xD.

Keep up the great work!
11/14/2010 c3 1Sade Sairu
It was good. At this point, all I could say is, BEAU-TI-FUL. It was very well done young writer.
11/14/2010 c2 Sade Sairu
Again, as always, you have touched me with your sense of understanding for nature. The story is really well put together. Her emotions a conveyed easily and her thoughts are not hard to follow. People really should read this work. I love it ;)
11/5/2010 c4 mooonlove2527
i like this story
10/26/2010 c4 2Beforethedawnbreaks
I like this story more and more. I really wanted to know what happend to Agito an Tula at the end. How many chapters are you plannig?
10/23/2010 c3 Beforethedawnbreaks
Interesting story.
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