Just In
for The Problem with Peacocks

2/26/2014 c2 TherSia
I love this story so much that I read it for 10 times today! I feel like I memorized all the words.
11/12/2010 c2 cc
Kind of funny even though Draco got hurt. It just shows how they are sort of a normal family in their own way.
9/24/2010 c2 16notwolf
It's nice to see Narcissa able to use helpful magic. Most stories never let her do much of anything. And it's good to see her a loving, yet not completely doting, mother.
9/21/2010 c1 5goth1996
Favorite color of vines other than green?


*avps reference
8/31/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
Very excellent imitation of JK's style. I like that we have a subtle glimpse of just how creepy Lucius is, even at home.

Bonus use of $5 word caterwauling!
8/30/2010 c1 8BellatriaMusica
DOBBY! I don't normally like him, but he's so adorable here. :) And of COURSE Draco is getting into trouble...he has to entertain his mother somehow. It must be boring being a rich Death Eater's wife with no job. ;)

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