6/18/2023 c28 Karo
How could you do this to me
How could you do this to me
6/30/2020 c24 4Ines Kanoyan 53
loved this chapterI agree, Toph and Zuko would totally rock being siblings
loved this chapterI agree, Toph and Zuko would totally rock being siblings
6/9/2020 c56 Crystal Dragon
I loved this. It was a great story. Had me laughing and made me feel the emotions the characters were feeling. I was on the edge of my seat for part of it and couldn't stop reading.
I loved this. It was a great story. Had me laughing and made me feel the emotions the characters were feeling. I was on the edge of my seat for part of it and couldn't stop reading.
6/8/2020 c45 Guest
Pakku was bethrothed to GranGran before GranGran ran away. He should know this won't end peacfully
Pakku was bethrothed to GranGran before GranGran ran away. He should know this won't end peacfully
6/8/2020 c26 Crystal Dragon
You know I had to play that song as I was reading right? This is so good. I like how its like a slow build with tension
You know I had to play that song as I was reading right? This is so good. I like how its like a slow build with tension
6/8/2020 c4 Crystal Dragon
This was hilarious. Cant wait to read the rest of the story
This was hilarious. Cant wait to read the rest of the story
7/7/2019 c2 10badadder1
what 4 year old can write? or a 2 year old? silly show writers added that lol
what 4 year old can write? or a 2 year old? silly show writers added that lol
6/17/2019 c9 Guest
Ob an bboboobpobiobbbbbo bb bobbobbbkbovoob
Ob an bboboobpobiobbbbbo bb bobbobbbkbovoob
3/1/2019 c56 416th-of-a-twigg
Well this was a rollercoaster from start to finish and i may or may not have wasted my two days off work this week to read this and ONLY this. House chores be damned XD thank you for writing this mamoth of a piece!
Well this was a rollercoaster from start to finish and i may or may not have wasted my two days off work this week to read this and ONLY this. House chores be damned XD thank you for writing this mamoth of a piece!
1/3/2018 c28 Kamijou Takako
I am done. I am done with you. I am done with that god-damned blasted Avatar. Go back to whole in which you came demon and let me cry in peace.
Why can't my OTP get together. *breaks down in tears*
I am done. I am done with you. I am done with that god-damned blasted Avatar. Go back to whole in which you came demon and let me cry in peace.
Why can't my OTP get together. *breaks down in tears*
8/1/2017 c31 Guest
Y/țtt țtt țtt țtt t țtt 8t țtt9t
Y/țtt țtt țtt țtt t țtt 8t țtt9t