Just In
for Ice Princess

12/21/2014 c56 nitorilemon
*Crys from happiness*

This was the best story-/fanfiction about Avatar and now I'm really happy n relaxed. Zutara forever!
10/5/2014 c56 I swear I'm not crazy
Omg that was absolutely brilliant! God throughout this fix I've never been so frustrated with aang like that before like I literally hated him! I really liked how your wrote him though despite that! Loved it!
8/3/2014 c29 readytostart
Ugh, just like Aang to run away from his problems! And the way things are turning out for Zuko makes me sad. Reminds me of that time in Book 2 where he was screaming at the storm uugh my poor baby :(
8/3/2014 c24 readytostart
Toph's dialougue at the end is literally the way I feel about Kataang! It's so fluffly and like..gross lol. Like a mother and son eww. I do like the Taang in your story though, Toph will always be one of my favorite characters ever and I like how you're doing her justice .
7/30/2014 c19 sinfullyseen
crap. i liked thelast lie. :" i'm smiling so big. hihi.
7/19/2014 c56 Bloodtributes
NO EPILOGUE WITH CUTE FIRE AND WATER BABIES? WHHYYY, im crying this was so good and cute and sexy i cant
7/19/2014 c25 Bloodtributes
Zuko is so sweet with Toph *sighs happily*
7/18/2014 c2 Bloodtributes
I love the little flashbacks :)
5/28/2014 c56 Guest
Loved it! I like AlwaysZutarian's Zuko-Katara post war better though. :/ This REALLY needs some editing. I caught Zukos name like this 'ZUko' mituple times. Over all awsome!
2/21/2014 c56 26KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun
Very cute!
1/15/2014 c2 anonymous
Fire Whiskey can't be good
12/17/2013 c56 1Secret23
I'm not sure if I've left a review before but this is my second time reading this fanfic. It was just long enough that I forgot what happened and I fell in love with it all over again. I want to applaud you for how amazingly in character everyone was! That was part of what makes this story so great, because it's so believable. If ATLA had not been a kids show, we all know Katara would have ended up with Zuko. Or I like to think so. ;) Great job.
12/12/2013 c4 Guest
They (zuko and katara) were drunk as hell
12/2/2013 c56 flai
Loved this story!
You should write one of legend of Korra with iroh:korra pairing I love your imagination!
One of the greatest fanfic I read!
11/26/2013 c56 Shelsea
I love your storie . It most be one of the greatest steris of katora & zuko
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