9/11/2010 c4
i loved it.
zuko better hope that sokka doesn't find out about his...er...educational experience with katara. although that would certainly be entertaining to write. :D
update asap. this is getting interesting.

i loved it.
zuko better hope that sokka doesn't find out about his...er...educational experience with katara. although that would certainly be entertaining to write. :D
update asap. this is getting interesting.
9/11/2010 c4
You got everyone's personality spot on. I loved the flashbacks; they were so cleverly put in. On top of that, they really let the reader see what was actually going through Zuko's head at the time. Good job.
ψcamille elisabethψ

You got everyone's personality spot on. I loved the flashbacks; they were so cleverly put in. On top of that, they really let the reader see what was actually going through Zuko's head at the time. Good job.
ψcamille elisabethψ
9/10/2010 c3
It was bittersweet to read the flashbacks and little notes of the happy memories of Azula, Zuko, Ursa, Lu Ten, and the others. They were really sweet but sad. Love these chapters.

It was bittersweet to read the flashbacks and little notes of the happy memories of Azula, Zuko, Ursa, Lu Ten, and the others. They were really sweet but sad. Love these chapters.
9/10/2010 c2 pyroaquaterrian
Wow, what an emotionally charged chapter... Zuko really had a horrible childhood. Know wonder he carries so many emotional scars. I felt so sorry for him, I actually got choked up while reading it... Thanks for sharing.
Wow, what an emotionally charged chapter... Zuko really had a horrible childhood. Know wonder he carries so many emotional scars. I felt so sorry for him, I actually got choked up while reading it... Thanks for sharing.
9/10/2010 c3
iroh tried to get zuko laid! hehehe.
i must admit that the idea of zuko and mai is icky.
and i completely agree with sokka, suki, toph, and zuko. katara needs to do more for herself.
update soon. i'm curious to see where this goes. :)

iroh tried to get zuko laid! hehehe.
i must admit that the idea of zuko and mai is icky.
and i completely agree with sokka, suki, toph, and zuko. katara needs to do more for herself.
update soon. i'm curious to see where this goes. :)
9/5/2010 c2 Sokkla
Wow this is really good please update. Love how he loves Azula so much. To bad they didn't have that relastionship in the show :'(
Wow this is really good please update. Love how he loves Azula so much. To bad they didn't have that relastionship in the show :'(