Just In
for Winged Fate

6/9/2011 c22 Copymachine
Good chapter, I have a feeling I know who the other destiny child is and I can't wait to see if I'm right.
6/8/2011 c22 2gothgirl1245
Please write more it is really good
6/8/2011 c22 2AriaNight
Plzplzplz keep writing! I REALLy want to know wat happens next!
6/3/2011 c21 2gothgirl1245
Please wrote more it is really good
5/31/2011 c21 Fee-Sha16
Cool Story!=)
5/28/2011 c21 Copymachine
I'm curious to find out what happened between B/E in the beginning of the chapter and who the identity of mystery guy at the end. Great chapter, keep it up. :)
5/28/2011 c20 Mist Angels
Edward's the earth prince isn't he? so he can't be the one. I don't know bout the rest but I hope it isn't Emmett!
5/23/2011 c20 Sumi-chan-desu
yaay! Awesome fight~
5/22/2011 c20 gothgirl1245
Please wrote more it is really good
5/21/2011 c20 6twilight642531
Loved it, update soon! And I think Wyatt is Emmett's brother, strong and confident.
5/21/2011 c20 32Winnie1991
I'm going with Emmett. They seem to have the same mentality.
5/16/2011 c19 Sage-Starling
What...what...what...WHAT? aaaaaw man! Please update really really soon!
5/13/2011 c19 Mist Angels
Update soon!
5/7/2011 c19 Sumi-chan-desu
Interesting~ Can't wait. X3
5/6/2011 c19 Copymachine
Nooooooo not a cliffhanger! Cant wait for next chapter
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