Just In
for Winged Fate

2/24/2012 c42 9LikeYouBelieveInMe100
Wow...haven't headed from u in a while... Can't believe Ur almost done with only took you about forever and a half! Lol but this was alright...nice job!
2/6/2012 c42 2gothgirl1245
Please write more it is really good
1/30/2012 c42 1loyal-girl4
What exactly happened to Bella when they took her back to the base?
1/30/2012 c42 team cullen
Hey, great story! I hope you update soon. I want more.
1/29/2012 c42 mrs.addiecullen
1/28/2012 c42 6Maxi Fallon
Epic! That was so cool! Please update soon!
1/28/2012 c42 5Veronica Z
It's great :) can't wait for more
1/28/2012 c42 PupXXX
Yay! Good chapter please update again soon if you dont I'll be sad =( so please update =)
1/2/2012 c41 18I Know I'm A Dreamer

1/1/2012 c41 3kity moon priestess
HI! I just begun reading this story today and its absolutely awesome! Its a very interesting plot and quite a good narrative... i love it so please keep it up and update soon! i cant wait!n_n
1/1/2012 c41 2gothgirl1245
Please write it is really good
12/31/2011 c41 mrs.addiecullen
12/31/2011 c41 4canis lupus familiaris
Happy New Year and this was a good chapter, though a little short.
12/30/2011 c40 1BABY-E
WOW ! You making a great story and i hope you update soon. :)

i poud of you cousin lol great job
12/25/2011 c40 1MusicIsAlwaysThere
just read this story so far of what you have written, and well honestly, it has to be the first edward/bella story i truly enjoyed! and i cant wait to read more!
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