7/23/2014 c1 BlahBlah
Blah great job Blah
Blah great job Blah
7/7/2011 c1 RorytheEchidna
LOVED IT! Not only was it adorable, but Courtney stayed true until the very end. She didn't have the "romantic movie happy ending" and moved on. A first for a Courtney/Duncan Fanfic. Keep writing, I love your work! :)
LOVED IT! Not only was it adorable, but Courtney stayed true until the very end. She didn't have the "romantic movie happy ending" and moved on. A first for a Courtney/Duncan Fanfic. Keep writing, I love your work! :)
10/11/2010 c1 dunkyypoo
please write moreee. SO CUTE
please write moreee. SO CUTE
10/11/2010 c1 7 things
DO ANOTHER ONE. i loved this :) made me cry like a baby
DO ANOTHER ONE. i loved this :) made me cry like a baby
10/11/2010 c1 courtney is a lovable freak
10/11/2010 c1 ouchhieeemama
10/11/2010 c1 DC FOREVER
LOVE IT. write more pleaseeeee
LOVE IT. write more pleaseeeee
9/4/2010 c1
Dear Twinilicious,
This is one of your best stories. It actually made me tear up slightly. I love you and your stories and can't wait to read more :)

Dear Twinilicious,
This is one of your best stories. It actually made me tear up slightly. I love you and your stories and can't wait to read more :)
9/4/2010 c1
This was an interesting idea. I like how you displayed Courtney here. have you consider maybe doing this concept from Duncan's pov?
I also hate how the writers of the TD series made Courtney sound bitchy and psycho, it drives me insane.

This was an interesting idea. I like how you displayed Courtney here. have you consider maybe doing this concept from Duncan's pov?
I also hate how the writers of the TD series made Courtney sound bitchy and psycho, it drives me insane.
9/4/2010 c1 AddNonXx
im lovin this story! can u do Duncan's pov on why he went 2 Gwen n why he still wanted Courtney? im dyin 2 find out! ;)
im lovin this story! can u do Duncan's pov on why he went 2 Gwen n why he still wanted Courtney? im dyin 2 find out! ;)