Just In
for The New God of War

11/30/2023 c21 Guest
You continues This fanfic
11/21/2022 c19 Guest
Dude it would be cool if you continue this story or someone decides to continue this fanfic.
11/10/2022 c3 2Tenkoraaa
I see a Athena X Kratos?
10/13/2021 c23 Guest
Please continue this story...please
11/21/2020 c23 Guest
I’m saddened that this was discontinued, I quite enjoyed reading this story
10/4/2019 c15 WeslenBR
8/1/2019 c1 jose-msnhotmail
Quiero saber si va a haber más capítulos
7/9/2019 c23 Guest
I would love to see this continued.
1/13/2019 c23 SlimShadyBeLit
great chapter man please get the next one out soon and if you can mabye make them longer ?
1/10/2019 c5 2Golden Light 001
Kratos honestly needs time to relax think and reprioritize, while also thinking on what type of god of war he should be.
10/20/2018 c23 14InsaneSmirkingRevenge
Please continue this story its amazing
6/18/2018 c23 6WhiffleWaffles
Will you be writing fics again with the new game out?
5/3/2018 c23 3The Taios
I am enthralled by this fan fic. I’m guessing that this is before ghost of Sparta, right?
5/1/2018 c23 N2
Please do a Kratos x Artemis and Athena pairing I want to see a three way relationship between them.
9/4/2017 c23 Gankutsuou117
Awesome please have next chapter!
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