Just In
for A Reason to Live

3/14/2024 c11 missnaira
ОТ-ВРА-ТИ-ТЕЛЬ-НЫЙ Питер! Почему он сразу кидается в атаку?ПОЧЕМУ? Ведь он так и не узнал эту историю со стороны Нила. Мог бы и выслушать, что этот папенька Нила чуть не убил. Тут нужно продолжение! Питер должен узнать правду и извиниться!
3/14/2024 c6 Guest
Уже ненавижу эту суку. Как это Нил Кэффри может быть ужасным? Папаша у неё преступник, она его покрывала, а теперь хочет повесить всё на Нила. Тварь!
1/6/2018 c11 Tali
Just read your story and really enjoing the ending. Love to read more.
10/13/2017 c11 7soundoftragedy
ohhh, this is wonderful. a shame that you never updated it tho
7/25/2016 c11 Ines
Peter is a stupid and the sanctimonious one that in the whole series almost it never demonstrates to be a friend of Neal. The unconditional friends of Neal are Mozzie and June, Elizabeth is like his husband
5/28/2016 c11 MargaritaS
peter can be a self righteous hypocritical twit
5/14/2016 c11 36Ihatechoosinganame
loved the story
11/11/2012 c11 wotumba1
great story! glad they'll stay partners
11/11/2012 c8 wotumba1
LOL and that's about the only reason i do actually believe
11/11/2012 c7 wotumba1
what is that lady up to? is she really just being honest?
11/11/2012 c5 wotumba1
Nealese... wonderful language that is ;-)
8/9/2012 c11 12Crystalzap
Peter is a jerk there, I would apologize if I was threatened and still in handcuffs
11/19/2011 c11 6joy2190
I really enjoyed this story. I like your humerous touches throughout. Looking forward to reading more of your work.
3/3/2011 c11 12JennyLB
Just found this story and read it. It was very well done. I enjoyed it immensely! -Jenny
1/11/2011 c11 Din7
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