Just In
for In the Absence of Time

12/19/2010 c1 9D-chi
wow, this is a good start. I look forward to reading the rest!
9/19/2010 c2 Happyme147
Write more oh plz ! :D
9/17/2010 c2 9TheStarsAbove7
I love this story! It's still romantic even though its not a romance! I'm sorry, I'm so uncomenty! BUt it was sooo good and I hope you update very soon!
9/17/2010 c1 TheStarsAbove7
Interesting! I liked it! A lot! Though I have one thing to say, Haji didn't use his chiropteran powers (such as flying) until episode 43 when he used them to save Saya from falling to her death when she fainted and fell off that building when Haji and Solomon were fighting over her. But other than that, it was awesome, I loved Diva!
9/8/2010 c2 17Aldedron
Sad, but sweet with those unnoticed moment between them ^^ There was grief, but also a stiffled tenderness beneath every gesture and word- and I am quite taken with the symetry (sp?) and contradictions...

One note, though: you do realize that the Shield was docked in Marseilles, right? That's on France's southern coast- in the Mediterranean, nowhere near the UK, let alone Scotland, which is at the northern tip of the island...

Sorry... I'm obsessed with tiny details ^^' That's seriously my ONLY complaint- everything else's love for your gorgeous writing style and portrayal of thei unacknowledged relationship hee hee ^^

Can't wait for the next chappy~!
9/7/2010 c1 Aldedron
Ah~ why'd you cut off there T.T? I was really enjoying that...

Well, obviously, I'm loving this story thus far ^^ Can't wait for the next chappy

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