Just In
for Forbidden

9/16/2010 c2 34Red-Cherry-Flowers
Hey, great chapter. I'm not one for slash fictions but the characterization of everyone is spot on! Good Job with the chapter! =D
9/13/2010 c2 5Heimarmene
will there be a lot of henry/charlotte in future chapters?
9/13/2010 c2 7lunareclipse3
Your choice of music amuses me x3

Another good chapter. All I could say was Jem's personality seems to change a lot in the chapters. He's kind of OOC...but everything else is there. Sentence structure, spelling, grammar.

9/13/2010 c1 lunareclipse3
Let me start of with: I LOVE YOU!

I don't know if the ID fandom has been set up yet but reading CA I was DYING for a Will/Jem fic. I could really see it between the lines.

Justin Bieber? o.O Does that mean you think he's as gay as I do e.O?

Anyway, your writing is great. The beginning is awesome. Will was a bit OOC. I was just thinking you should maintain his cynical self-centered character. But maybe he's different with Jem, idk. Now, I will read on!

9/13/2010 c2 11pierulestheworld
Bwahaha. I like this. And who cares what you listen to. Everyone likes different music.
9/13/2010 c2 blah
Hey :)

I really like your story so far ...

even though I was kinda ... averse of your story first since there are no hints for Jem and Will being in love with eachother but ... this is fanfiction :D

And don't let bad comments let you down ^^

I mean nobody has to read your story if he doesn't want to, just ignore it ^.^
9/13/2010 c2 AuroralMemory
Aw, yay! They're together! I was a bit shocked at how Jem was the forward one. For some reason, I always imagined Will would be the one to confess his feelings first.
9/11/2010 c1 AuroralMemory
Ugh, people are so rude. It was a very nice attempt, and it's not always easy to put up your writing for the world to see and criticize, and I applaud you for that. Don't listen to people who bash on your work based on your music taste instead of honest constructive criticism. That said, there are a few things you could've made better. Like their language and word choices. I don't think "fuck" is a swear word people from the Victorian Era would have used. But overall, it was pretty well written. Nice attempt at writing in 1st POV. I think Will might be a bit cooler in the book, though. He seems to be a lot more complicated in his feelings and his actions. But I enjoyed reading the story. Great job! Keep me informed of it on twitter!
9/9/2010 c1 34Red-Cherry-Flowers
I was so excited when I saw your story! =)

I really like the interaction between Will and Jem, thought it really stuck to their characters. Hope you continue! =)
9/8/2010 c1 Naty
No wonder that this is total shit ^^

justin bieber... come on ^^
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