Just In
for Neo Spiderman

10/1/2010 c9 galeforcewinds12
Oh no! Not the end of the series. Well, at least you are going to work on your other AWESOME stories. Keep writing!
9/14/2010 c3 bomrocks23
another smash hit, what will happen next. man, im just itchin to read the next chapter, I'M READY BRING IT ON!:」(hey i got chapter 2 for my xover i alredy know i will make the next chapter so long that you dont feel like reading)I'M STILL READY
9/14/2010 c2 1Snowstorm64
yay another cliffie what will happen next im gonna read another chapter right now!:」:):}:^_^(hey thanks for reviewing mine i want the next chapter up soon and this chapter is long i think):」
9/10/2010 c1 bombrocks23
i like this fanfic! i hope you keep gettin loads of reviews {good ones :」}:}
9/9/2010 c2 galeforcewinds12
Another good chapter! I liked the end especially! Cliffhangers! You really got Nick's character well so we get a good sense of his character.
9/9/2010 c1 galeforcewinds12
Great first chapter! even though it is just mainly introductions,it is still good. can't wait to read the next chapter!

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