Just In
for JUNK

7/21/2011 c2 Laser Slayer
I liked this chapter, the story's building up. Update some more. :)
6/14/2011 c1 Laser Slayer
Awesome first chapter. I especially liked the mission briefing part. Will try review the other chapters as soon as I can. :D

-Laser Slayer
5/28/2011 c9 1Cowboys and Indians
5/22/2011 c9 Cherry-Blossom
this is really good except that you need to space it out because i can hardly read it :S xxxxx

Lots of Love,

4/9/2011 c7 8DreamsAreForDreaming
I like the way that you have put in a lot of detail and have really told the reader what is going on. Please update soon.

FBR xx

PS I have a new story up called In Trouble Again, please read and review it!
3/27/2011 c8 allreader
Hurray awesome chapter. Plz update more often you do it like once every 4/5 months. This is a really awesome story though you have to update more please

3/27/2011 c8 DreamsAreForDreaming

FBR xx
3/23/2011 c6 DreamsAreForDreaming
I thought that this chapter was good, as you really showed the emotions that Will felt by the words he spoke. I also liked the way that in the first chapter James is not his usual self, as he has just taken a bullet. I really liked the way that you have invented your own characters and I look forward to reading some more chapters.

Thanks for a great read,

FreakyBookReader xx
2/19/2011 c7 2LilMissCandy
Ohai, this story is awesome!

Keeeep Wriiiiting haha.

/me read this in one sitting. :)

Thanks for reviewing my story, btw. Sorry I haven't been able to read yours sooner, i'm kinda busy lol.

- charlie (lilmisscandy)
2/4/2011 c1 8DreamsAreForDreaming
First I want to say thanks for reviewing my story. Secondly I want to say that I really liked that chapter especially the mission briefing. It is a good idea and please continue it.

FBR xx
1/19/2011 c7 allreader
Great work! Now you have this keep updating and faster!


PS why was you're message called HELP
1/10/2011 c5 allreader
Who's kent? Well I know already read it was in my favorites and alerts I just hadn't reviewed.I so love cliffie. Know write the next chapter you haven't for a long time. Its on a cliffie!


that was for chapter 4 here isfor chapter 5

Nice chapter. Wonder why Tracey survived without the police getting him? WRITE MORE NOW! !
1/10/2011 c4 allreader
Who's kent? Well I know already read it was in my favorites and alerts I just hadn't reviewed.I so love cliffie. Know write the next chapter you haven't for a long time. Its on a cliffie!

1/10/2011 c3 allreader
Poor Molly and Will and the whole herub campus at the moment. Really good writing a long chapters I like mine short but yours are totally good. Though between Molly and Will make *** its easier to tell

1/10/2011 c2 allreader
I feel sorry for Hannah. She's going through a lot of stress related feelings right now. keep writing

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