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for Demon King's Descendant

9/29/2021 c9 Danirodriguez1995
I know I am writing to you about the 9th chapter, but don't give up, this story deserves to continue.
8/29/2021 c10 Kori Tengoku
Would like to see this done man.
8/21/2021 c10 Guest
Lastima q este sin terminar es muy bueno
8/11/2021 c8 1The Infinite Dragon Sorcerer
Yo this story is awesome man also when are going to have the 7 tails jinjuniki and it's host Fu into this story because the hidden waterfall village is weak as hell. So that would mean Fu is gonna die and chomei would get sealed in the gate statue. So please show mercy by sparing Fu and have her sent to the Leaf village to keep her safe because all she wants is friends.

Also when is there going to be another chapter for this story because it only has 10 chapters does that mean this story is over or were you too busy with your life and lost your drive and inspiration to continue this story? Which no one can blame you for being busy right now because the world is in chaos because of the virus dude. Great story man please keep it up.
8/1/2021 c10 Guest
Piensas terminar esta serie? :(
7/31/2021 c10 Guest
you do know that the shinobi council is made up of the clan heads right and you just wrote that you killed them all off also the hokage's word is law so no there would be no problems from exacuting sasuke for treason you just choose not to.
7/31/2021 c9 Guest
bullshit you don't lock people up for treason you kill because of sasgay is going to escape
7/31/2021 c9 Guest
please don't use the greater good this is naruto not dumbassdore from harry potter
7/31/2021 c7 Guest
you cant store charka in jar dumb ass so how did danzo have a shit ton of kyubis
7/31/2021 c7 Guest
you wrote that the raikage would not do anything for fear of losing funding and the first thing he does is what he was told not to do makes no sense.
7/31/2021 c1 Guest
the third is supossed to be smart so why would he risk the wraith of something there is no way he can defend himself against for being a smart person it makes no sense at all.
7/20/2021 c10 Danirodriguez1995
Please continue, the story is very good, Please don't give up, a story that the truth has no comparison. I can tell you since I am a huge fan of this type of story and the truth is they have no comparison.
4/25/2021 c1 Guest
Are you going to finish your Naruto stories? I am waiting for new content on them and for them to be completed. I highly enjoy your Naruto series. Thank you.
4/12/2021 c10 5Whisper Yoyo
Man I hope you continue this. It's gettin gooood.
4/12/2021 c10 38StringDman
Really hope you continue this story and update soon. Can't wait to see just what Naruto will do once he gets to Ame.
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