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for Have You Seen This Man?

1/7/2016 c4 1Anonymous123456787654321
Oh boy. I wonder if he will tell him or if Kakashi knows...
1/7/2016 c2 Anonymous123456787654321
This is just cruel. It's disrespectful. I feel so sorry for him :( Great plot though wow...
1/7/2016 c1 Anonymous123456787654321
Oh no. What's happening? lol this can't be good.
9/10/2015 c4 ne
You'd think with cameras being as kinda rare as they are in the Naruto 'verse that Kakashi would work off of who has access to them.

Poor Iruka. He'll be avoiding drinking for quite a while, ne?
10/18/2014 c4 Guest
please continue!
2/21/2013 c4 chocolander
pls update soon! I'm dying to find out what happens when Kakashi figures it out! I suspect that iruka made a henge that allows him to take a photo of himself as Kakashi with the beaver teeth and fish lips! this is such a hoot!
2/20/2013 c4 1Wandering Crimson Sage
Love the prank set up, I can easily see Iruka doing that :) Lol, drunk and he's still got it!

The Kakashi/Iruka fluffiness is adorable, and not too far off the mark :)
2/17/2013 c4 azure1996
Loved it so cute
11/3/2011 c4 4Foresthunter
please update! i want to see what happens next!
8/13/2011 c4 1mugenai3
I started reading this on lj, what happened? Are you gonna finish it?
7/24/2011 c4 6FairyTails13
Poor Iruka, no more Sake for you...ever. -snickers- I can't wait to see where this situation ends up.

5/20/2011 c4 Avensei
Update soon? It'd be a shame to let this story go :/
2/17/2011 c4 3LeftMeSpeechless
Iruka's inner battle is priceless. ^^ Made me smile like a loon.

I really like this story, one of the best I read for a while now.

My favourite line here, although it was hard to pick one, is this:

"Perversion no jutsu, that had to be it. It probably followed Kakashi wherever he went, the smug bastard."

So please accept my heartfelt and sincere: I can't wait for more!
2/10/2011 c4 skie89
Their outfits sound really nice. I cant wait to see what they discuss.
2/8/2011 c4 fnoerkfngie
Pfft, Iruka, you liar! You just want to distract Kakashi with your sex hair! xD

Once again I can't get over the charm you give Iruka and make him look soooo cute, and quite humorous at times in the way he thinks.

It seems like Iruka's had a thing for Kakashi for a while, though maybe not realised it until now. As for Kakashi, I get the feeling he has a soft spot for Iruka, but his personal little mission may be making him oblivious to it xD I can't wait to see where this goes. Personally, I'm hoping for a huge discovery in the most inconvenient of times, maybe just after a first kiss or something, or a drunken Anko blurting it out just as they finally realise their feelings! Oh the drama! xD But I'm sure wherever you go with this plot will be exciting, you're a very good writer!

Sorry I took so long to review, I've had a horrible cold and every time I tried to read it was just a huge blur to my eyes xD Can't wait for the next chapter though ^_^
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