Just In
for Elizabeth Masen's Message

11/1/2022 c1 19Teardrop94
Ah, it’s been a while since anyone’s reviewed. To be honest, this story, out of the few of this crossover, should have had the most favs and whatnot. Much better written too. I enjoyed what little was there, and the reactions. Especially how Edward communicated with his mother. Thanks for writing this!

7/17/2016 c1 2IchikoKitsuneKoumori
Wow So he was hearing and seeing her through Melinda's mind. hmm do you think the Volturi would be interested in Melinda's ability? To change her, how would her abilities be enhanced?
7/20/2015 c1 110th Squad 3rd Seat
This is beautiful!
9/21/2013 c1 dashundra89
I really loved that story. It was very pretty and sweet.
9/2/2012 c1 Guest
This is totally AMAZING! PURE GENIUS! My favorite shows Ghost Whisperer and Twilight! Thanks for making this
7/29/2012 c1 midnight
awwww soo sweet i almost cried.
4/22/2012 c1 1PepperRocks
11/7/2011 c1 16Special Agent Tee-vah
This was amazing; very well written! :)
9/16/2011 c1 7TwilightAkatsukiAngels
This Is INCREDIBLE and I am glad you did this...
6/10/2011 c1 18mae-E
very sweet! i liked how you did that without expose his big secret. good job, and good work!

next time just add point of veiw or p.o.v. when you switch points of veiw so it not to confuseing.
4/25/2011 c1 4TwilightSky15
aw! that was sweet and sad! :)
2/23/2011 c1 3TulipNixphe
i love it
1/30/2011 c1 28DeathDaisy
=] gd story
9/27/2010 c1 TheTwilightMarauder
i love this, great work!
9/26/2010 c1 DarkBlueBella
A very moving story. I loved your idea, very touching. I loved the E and B on the ring, meaning Edward's parents. Good luck.

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