Just In
for Gathering the Scattered Pieces: Confidence

11/19/2010 c9 41Authoressinhiding
What does it mean to be real, indeed? Sorry I've been gone so long. I really enjoyed this part of 'ze story. I await the next installment!

10/19/2010 c6 Aihistoolazytologin
Hey! Sorry it's taken me so long to read! I love Hawkear and James's interactions. Can't wait to see what happens next and how they lead the bear away!
10/6/2010 c3 Authoressinhiding
Fox and the Hound was an incredibly depressing movie. Where is our story going next, me wonders, aye, me wonders.
10/6/2010 c2 Authoressinhiding
I love the liar bit and "it must have come from the Navy.". Excellent chapter, mate! Now on to the next one!
9/20/2010 c1 Authoressinhiding
I'm review number 1! And I loved the Warriors books! Unfortunately, I am at least ten of them behind schedule. Perhaps I should fix that. Good to see Hawkear back again!


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