Just In
for Frozen Love

1/28/2014 c12 2Tiana Misoro
Awwww I'm sad now :( I stopped in to check if you'd updated this story...I've been mia for awhile now, and I found this. I don't want it to end!
1/22/2013 c11 Guest
*BOOM* Wow, that was like ... Really good my mind is like blown. Thanks for the story looking forward to later chapters
1/14/2013 c11 mei-tan13
im so glad shiro is finally getting to understand how much ichigo really loves him!
12/2/2012 c11 8Yulisa
update please?
this is awesome...
also, when is there gonna be angst? :O
11/3/2012 c11 The Last Storm
I love this story and just the way you wright overall. I hope you continue this, because I cannot wait for the next chapter!
11/4/2012 c3 1Meghan-Black01
Don't take this shit Ichi! Leave! :O
11/4/2012 c2 Meghan-Black01
No Ichi! Leave and make him want you to come back!
11/4/2012 c1 Meghan-Black01
OMG! Shiro is an ass! :O
10/26/2012 c11 Alpha x Omega
Amazing story and chapter! Hope to see another soon
10/25/2012 c12 Honeybunbun
Please don't delete this! It's so good ! :o dont take down something you worked hard on and just to take it off because some people are being mean and insulting...continue this story and ignore those ignorant people THEIR ALL PRICKS.
10/25/2012 c12 KiKa
I am sorry to hear what's happening to you. Sadly, it happens more and more and some authors stop writing on this website or remove all they stories :/ It's like some people don't have a life and get too much time on their hands so they must think "why not bash others to pass the time". Being creative usually means diverting from the mass opinion, don't expect sheeps to be intellectual about their concerns :p Unfortunately, it's the downside of internet 2.0. People think they have to express their opinion about everything and if it's to say positive things then it's a waste of their time. Well, I tell you "bashers" if you go through life with cheap and closeted opinions like that; you'll eternally be a waste of time.
10/25/2012 c12 Tasha-Nik
Ok, so maybe i missed something... Cuz i have no idea what's going on?
When i was reading through your response i was amazingly confused...why were people getting pissed at you and giving you sh*t?
I couldn't see anything that you did to warrant that.
Also, why did you decide to end this story?
I'm not getting angry or anything, i'm just curious and i kind of feel like i missed something? :P
Thx :)
10/25/2012 c12 1deactivated - TLIH
Why are you removing this story? I really was looking forward to the next chapter. I mean. trust me, I know haters can really put a damper on writing spirit, but you shouldn't let them win.

Please keep the story up and update. :(
7/4/2012 c11 21Hollowshirosaki413
This. Is. Beyond. Amazing.

Oh my god I love you so much for updating this! Thank you SO much!

How, how about we get down to the basics? Translation: "GET TO THE NEXT UPDATE SOON OR I COME AT YOU LIKE A RABID ANIMAL! D"
7/1/2012 c11 Fave Follow Accnt
Awwwwwww! This was so cute! I love how shy and adorable and confused Shiro is. No one ever make him seem that way and I love it! I hope you make him cute in the next few chapters too!
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