Just In
for Harry Potter Visits the Merpeople

2/10/2022 c1 2Isaacl112
Haha cute!
4/24/2015 c1 Noble Korhedron
*rolls eyes* How typically Luna!
12/29/2014 c1 baby Cyclopes
Very cute! :D
3/21/2014 c1 adhiSRF
So it looks like you have made some changes to make this a standalone story.
Because if this was part of Ice cream Delights,then both harry and luna will have no problem with dispensing whatever charms that Lupin protected that boat coz they have the lady's magic
2/21/2013 c1 1The Deadliest Ride
Very good read. And funny too! :)
12/28/2012 c1 1Toby860
8/20/2011 c1 Dherea
Live that the merpeople loved Luna. Please write more Luna/Harry stories w/grandpa Albus. They are SUCH a loving & happy couple.
11/15/2010 c1 riegert8
This is a very good story
10/26/2010 c1 3Scabbers1957
Luna/Harry pairings are my fave..this was a very well written lil flick.

I'll add it to my favs and Haruna (Harry/Luna) community.

9/30/2010 c1 23Ravenclaw Midnight Blue
Cracking story, Luckner! I did wonder if Lupin had tampered with the Gillyweed, so that Harry and Luna would actually temporary turn into merfolk themselves - but the 'crooning' loveboat was a funny touch. And yes, Harry's revenge prank on Lupin was a smasher. I hope the Lupin-Tonks union lasts longer in your Potterverse than the official one did!

I also like your use of the characters. Lupin and Luna are probably my favourite two HP characters - with Harry close behind. Thanks for writing!
9/22/2010 c1 3WarpWizard
Heh, good stuff. Final prank was excellent.
9/22/2010 c1 Slytherin66
A most enjoyable story I do like Harry/Luna.

It's not often Remus grts to prank so that was good it was well done funny but not nasty. Harry and Luna's return prank was excellent.

I look forward to your next story.
9/22/2010 c1 10Wonderbee31
Heh, this was a warm read there, and really enjoyed that image of the two on their magic swan boat ride, as well as Harry being able to get his own back there, and that he and Luna were able to and continue to work as a good couple.

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