9/30/2021 c1 Mastersgtjames
This would have been interesting if the author had continued it. Even more so had Q offered to tranport Harry back in time to save his loved one BEFORE the reveal of magic, then escape from earth. Instead of Harry just being paid for his future service to Q in the knowledge required to do that service.
This would have been interesting if the author had continued it. Even more so had Q offered to tranport Harry back in time to save his loved one BEFORE the reveal of magic, then escape from earth. Instead of Harry just being paid for his future service to Q in the knowledge required to do that service.
1/26/2019 c1
7Light Lord Cybergate
Well...you got my attention and interest. Too bad this is abandoned.

Well...you got my attention and interest. Too bad this is abandoned.
10/8/2018 c1 erik
An intriguing start.
An intriguing start.
5/2/2018 c1 Guest
I Love it
I Love it
8/21/2016 c1 Ultor
Please continue this story has a great premise please pair Harry with T'Pol anyway great story so far very good start please update soon love the story's premise
Please continue this story has a great premise please pair Harry with T'Pol anyway great story so far very good start please update soon love the story's premise
7/18/2015 c1 MWRANDOM
Interesting, if short, start. As it's been five years since you have updated this I'm assuming it's dead.
Interesting, if short, start. As it's been five years since you have updated this I'm assuming it's dead.