Just In
for I'll Love You For Eternity

10/23/2010 c4 kew180
Would Dimitri be the same (when he was turned in Blood Promise and Spirit Bound) if Rose turns him, or will there be a side effect keeping his soul with him?

hmm i think both would be good but as its a good Rose we could have a good Dimka!

thanx for posting so soon :D i love the Photo bit thats so nice :D
10/23/2010 c4 endlessfantasyx
Woowowowowowwoow! :D

This is amazing - I've always wondered what it would be like if it was the other way roundddddd. 3

He can't turn tooo - but actually that would be a good plot twist! =] xxxxxx
10/23/2010 c4 7LadyArya2014
10/23/2010 c4 badasschic
he will be the same, duh! and i will kill you if it is any other way!
10/23/2010 c4 9Vampi Gal
I think this story is fantastic. Please update soon
10/23/2010 c4 1VAlvr04
Aw poor Dimitri :( I hope he realizes Rose is different before he does something stupid! Please update soon!
10/21/2010 c3 Saint Ginger
Update soon please
10/21/2010 c3 2vampiresrockroza
love it update
10/21/2010 c3 ShelbzieSue
please update soon
10/21/2010 c3 1VAlvr04
Awesome! I love how its turning out! Please update soon!
10/15/2010 c3 kew180
oh no you cant make Rose good! Look at Dimka the best guardian around and look how twisted he went :( I dont want her to hurt lissa tho! Really considering how evil Stregoi are Rose cant be good lol.

i think Rose should get Dimka and hold him hostage somewhere he cant escape that would be soo cool!

i like gothic lissa or rather V thats cool!

if you have to change it so its not even backwards she should see Dimka first.

10/15/2010 c2 kew180
hey id say defo the first 1! do it backwards do to rose what Dimka did to her! that would be cool and it means we get more of Dimka's POV :D

keep up your good work :D
10/15/2010 c2 dillydip248
definitely the first one
10/12/2010 c3 1Ash-Bookworm113
as always its awesome!
10/4/2010 c3 BougieJoanna
lissa and dimitri
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