Just In
for I'll Love You For Eternity

12/31/2012 c12 Rose-loves-Dimitri
im guessing the mobster is Abe?
12/31/2012 c11 Rose-loves-Dimitri
what? what is it?
12/31/2012 c10 Rose-loves-Dimitri
is she turned back?
12/31/2012 c9 Rose-loves-Dimitri
aw, poor Rose
12/31/2012 c8 Rose-loves-Dimitri
what is he going to say?
12/31/2012 c7 Rose-loves-Dimitri
aw..the end was so sweet
12/31/2012 c6 Rose-loves-Dimitri
12/31/2012 c5 Rose-loves-Dimitri
12/31/2012 c4 Rose-loves-Dimitri
I cried at the end
12/31/2012 c3 Rose-loves-Dimitri
12/31/2012 c2 Rose-loves-Dimitri
Dimitri will freak out...I don't know what he's gonna say though
great chapter...I hate when there is a cliffhanger...
12/31/2012 c1 Rose-loves-Dimitri
Rose seems like she still cares about them...
12/30/2012 c21 2lastsacrifice
That'd be awesome! You should do it :)
9/6/2012 c20 DarkSunshine24
Loved it update soon!
9/4/2012 c20 4Mistbreeze
Great chapter, and I'm so glad your friend got you to update.
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