Just In
for Check yes Zhalia

10/8/2013 c1 PTAtomic78
I've read this one a ton of times but I haven't reviewed it for some reason. For which I do apologise. But anyway, I find this so sweet! I really love it. :)
8/26/2012 c1 1Suzue0Shayana
Hey, I remember I saw a vid like this (DXZ) on youtube and I completely fell in love with that song! Then I read the fic. It was probably before I ever get to know you at youtube... Well, I reminded myself about it when you sent me an email with your other nick, and I finally discovered why it sounded so familiar Whee, mystery solved!
And I finally know how old are you, nice I'm 19, by the way, so there's no big age difference between us.
About the story, I liked it before, but I didn't have an account, so I couldn't add it to my favourite. I'll correct that mistake now! It's really refreshing, and though it lacks some biting/loving dialogues between the characters (well, they seem like a big love/occassional hate relationship to me), it has a nice touch. It makes Dante the one to act, and it's surprising, because it's Zhalia who always seem to be strong and unbreakable, at least in comparision to the other's attitudes. But it's just on the surface. Dante, however, keeps his strength hidden and displays it only in the time of need (and a bit of boasting). I am sure that he'll be the one to convince Zhalia to express their feelings, eventually. He seems sure of their relationship, when Zhalia doesn't - like you wrote, she is afraid of hurting Dante, of causing him shame and so on... It was well-exposed here. Fave!

1. Wow, I shouldn't write reviews. I'm such a chatterbox in them, everyone probably fell asleep halfway
2. No i znowu napisałam po angielsku. Z rozpędu. Brawa dla mnie :D
9/27/2010 c1 CindyKayla
I totally have to agree that eloping is SOOOOO romantic! :D Love it! Hope you can write more of these type of fics! (though you alr have written alot ^^)
9/24/2010 c1 5StarTime101
what do you have with windows, motorcycles and running away? it's romantic in a way, just this chap was good XD

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9/24/2010 c1 pianoir

love it

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