Just In
for my big bad wolf

9/27/2011 c22 Hapsgurl80
Alice needs to get dealt with! Please update soon
9/26/2011 c4 Vane3131
Sam is so adorable
9/26/2011 c22 Beautiful-Liar13
I think that Alice is working with Edward hope that Aro touches her hand cannot wait for more
9/26/2011 c22 YunaNeko
Wonderful. Love It. Can't Wait For Next Chapter. UPDATE SOON! GAMBATTE NE:D
9/26/2011 c22 4beckylovestwilight
love it and cant wait for the next chapter xxxxx
9/25/2011 c22 together33x3
Why is Alice being so rotten? Smack her stupid! Please update soon, I really like this.
9/25/2011 c22 2blackangel150
Damn Alice
9/25/2011 c22 Babysis64
awe such a good update and i was glad the Alec took Bella back to the Res. so she can wait for Sam to return and i can't believe that Alice called Bella a liar in front of everyone that loved her the Volturri and the pack then Aro spoke up the Jasper and told him to shut her up before she got her self killed for the nonsense then Marcus with the proof that was good then Sam read it out loud that made him upset of who would do that to a small girl i do hope they do catch Edward and Victoria up and have them executed for what they did to Bella i know the king's are upset with the whole thing that has happened i can't wait until your next update
9/25/2011 c22 8Sassy Mami
Wow it's been a while since the last update. Great chapter but you really need to check your spelling.

not lier its liar

not dose its does

I'm glad Bella is finally getting mad at Alice, I believe as well that she forgave her too soon after what happened. Update soon =)
9/25/2011 c22 ellaryne
Love it
9/25/2011 c21 fanchick
I can't get to chapter 22 did u post it then take it down or something?
9/2/2011 c21 vampires-r-bloody-hot
love it. please update soon.
8/29/2011 c21 Daddys little crazy bitch
love it
8/25/2011 c21 7TiffersStar1989
love ur story...volturi as family fantastic idea...cant wait for more
8/14/2011 c21 4beckylovestwilight
love it cant wait for the next chapter xx
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