Just In
for my big bad wolf

12/13/2015 c3 Guest
Is English not your first language, because you have a very bad writing style.
12/8/2015 c26 Annie48
I really love the story hope to be able to more.
11/27/2015 c25 Guest
11/27/2015 c26 3WarriorHeart90
We know life happens! Glad to have you back, and good luck on you writing!
11/27/2015 c26 4vampgirliegirl
Yay so excited!
11/27/2015 c26 16emeralddragonjewel
i'm glad can't wait to read more
11/5/2015 c24 Italover
I'm sorry but your spelling is really really bad.. Maybe you should have had a beta or something? Your storyline is really good but I get a headache because of your spelling mistakes..
8/3/2015 c25 ashleyn
You can do this I belive in you sometimes I can spell bad to it is nothing to be sorry about you have so many people who look up to you and you are the reason I want to write a fan fiction you are amazing and inspiring to so many people do not second guess your self I love the part of the story were Paul the big bad wolf shows his soft side and the he was abuses and is bella's brother that was an amazing way to mix it up a keep your fans on there toes great work listen to cheerleader by ome to see how highly you fans think of you ; )
5/28/2015 c25 15Kolista
Update please if you need ideas I could help you
4/26/2015 c25 maya31
i love
4/12/2015 c25 Mrs.Thorn Winchester
love it please update
3/30/2015 c25 Renata20
Update please soon!
3/19/2015 c24 Guest
Sooo many run on sentences, from the first paragraph of Chapter 1, to the last paragraph of this chapter.

Spelling, grammar, punctuation, appropriate capitalization - these all need work.

Needs proofreading, editing, and perhaps a beta.
1/12/2015 c2 16Amu4ever should read over this chapter again. You didn't seperate the sentences proberly. Heck, one of the first paragraphs is alltogether one LONG sentence.
1/12/2015 c1 Amu4ever
Will she imprint with Sam? Or simply fall in love?
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