Just In
for my big bad wolf

12/17/2014 c25 Castielgirl21
This is awesome Once I started reading i Couldn't stop
11/28/2014 c25 Babysis64
This is a good story and I can't wait to read the updates, thank you for sharing this with us. Have a good weekend.
11/5/2014 c1 59jaylene.olebar.3
keep it up! and write on
8/31/2014 c24 4Matthias Stormcrow
That was an marvelous chapter I love it.
8/31/2014 c23 Matthias Stormcrow
Wow so Bella is Paul's Sister.
8/31/2014 c22 Matthias Stormcrow
really good.
8/31/2014 c21 Matthias Stormcrow
That was an awesome chapter.
8/31/2014 c20 Matthias Stormcrow
Well done. I love it.
8/31/2014 c19 Matthias Stormcrow
Great chapter
8/31/2014 c18 Matthias Stormcrow
Wow I did not see that coming.
8/31/2014 c17 Matthias Stormcrow
Marvelous chapter I love it.
8/31/2014 c16 Matthias Stormcrow
Wow is Bella okay.
8/31/2014 c15 Matthias Stormcrow
Well done. Awesome story so far.
8/31/2014 c14 Matthias Stormcrow
8/31/2014 c13 Matthias Stormcrow
Awesome chapter.
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