Just In
for Sapphires Fall From Amber Skies

3/22/2017 c9 syndey
Pleaz continue to update this story i am dying to read more
10/6/2015 c9 2Kiochii
lol I'm quite fond of this. Hope you update it once more.
3/10/2015 c9 Guest
can you please make more
4/23/2014 c9 Starshima
11/22/2013 c9 3Manga nerdette
5/16/2013 c9 Starshima
AWWWWWWWW INUYASHA AND KOGA... AWWW Inu... LUV this story can't wait for the rest...can' .. AHHHHH *goes crazy* "WHEN IS THE NEXT CHAPTER"...!_!
1/27/2013 c9 Guest
6/24/2011 c9 1ardentes
This is an interesting story. You did not explain why Inuyasha is still in his human form or even if he is in this chapter. Besides that, and the intense angst sure to come, I like this story. I hope you will update it soon!
6/20/2011 c9 3kibanaru616
add another chapter quick. the story is so good
3/22/2011 c10 fange17
ples update it is a relly good story
3/19/2011 c10 2AnimeGirlTillDeathAndOn
Ooo love it...poor inu he's been through alot write more please
3/16/2011 c10 2Romance Robert
Yaayyz you used the Lilium lullyby I thought you where gonna do Ai O.o eh oh well Good so far (: Hope ya continue and blah blah you know the rest :3

Fanboy out ♥ ♥
3/13/2011 c10 3SplenTheNebula
loved it
3/12/2011 c10 Ashlan
Never thought you've a place nearby cybercafe, Some angst truly make me wonder of next chap? truly glad you finally back though...(sheepish)

...Will the bastard truly realize of Inu's importance? I suddenly began to feel Inu spirit began to wane...
3/12/2011 c10 3GeorgieGirl999
this is really really good! please please please update soon!
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