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for Are You My Father?

9/30/2017 c3 Netchka
Great story so far. Really looking forward to finding out what happens next. Tony and Cat seem to be getting along already.
6/26/2011 c3 27Madances
Hi, I am hoping for a new chapter soon. Thanks, Tracy
11/16/2010 c3 5IndiAcidSnake
*cracks knuckles* Chip, its ass kicking time.


loved it and cnt wait for more!

Love NCISchick xoxoox

p.s...soz it took so long to read it, it never came up in my alerts!
10/12/2010 c3 9I am the girl in the corner
this was very good, i can't wait to see what happens are you going to include frame up in the story or...? anyway great job keep up the good work :D :D :D
10/12/2010 c3 2MuseUrania
Love this chapter, I can see all the characters and you did an excellent job with t he team's intereactions. :) And have fun with your creative license. ;) Ah, I've never seen jest used in place of gist before...
10/12/2010 c3 9Kamikashi
nice one! more please...
10/11/2010 c3 Alisa123
GREAT UPDATE...keep it coming.

10/11/2010 c3 angeleyes46
is he going to go after cat. can't wait to read the next part.
10/11/2010 c3 8ConfusedFangirl13
That was a pretty good chapter. Plz update soon.
10/11/2010 c3 14bethchilds34
luv luv luv luv! i was on the fone with my friend when u sent that text and then i thought i wouldnt b frst. if im not, someone might die... jk. but they will b injured. great job on this and keep it up! cannot wait for chapter 4!
10/8/2010 c2 9I am the girl in the corner
wow, nice work. i love it. looking forward to the next chapter. keep up the good work. :D :D :D :D
10/8/2010 c2 2MuseUrania
All right, so this is looking to be a very interesting story, despite being another 'Tony finds out he has a child' plot. G Ah, you referred to him as her at the end. Don't worry about it, I do that too sometimes when typing too fast. Mind gets ahead of hand... heh
10/8/2010 c2 17DS2010
Interesting surprise for Tony!
10/8/2010 c2 zats
The last sentence made me think that Tony already knew he had a daughter. Hope to find out more soon!
10/8/2010 c2 9Kamikashi
Now that's a story I'd like to read to the end. Update please!
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