Just In
for Dinner with Kuu

8/9/2018 c1 Guest
Poor Ren... XD
Thanks for the story !
3/9/2017 c1 Guest
whahahahahaha only if! X'D
9/16/2016 c1 Michiyo
Fun read! thank you for sharing!
12/31/2015 c1 13MyLuckTookAWalk
LOL that was hilarious XD espicially the diaper scene lmao I loved this and I think we all enjoy torturing Ren XD thanks for writing!
3/23/2015 c1 4itisfinished12062015
Thanks for posting this. What a fun idea! I hope the manga has the chance to present more Kuu talking about Kuon in front of Ren and Kyouko, like this. Ah! There are going to be fireworks when Kuon and Ren finally get caught. What did you think about the revelation of Ren being Kuon or at least being Kuu's son? Did it surprise you? Please PM me with your thoughts.

10/8/2014 c1 26Fi Suki Saki
oohh... that was refreshing...

Kuu just love to do that !

Oh Ren...
5/30/2014 c1 113Glimare
LOL! The joys of parenting... XD well done!
4/26/2014 c1 128claraowl
That was adorably hilarious. XD
1/20/2011 c1 9RevesCasses
Eeeeeeeee this is so uber cute! Despite Ren being a tad OOC, it fits the story XDD 3!

1/17/2011 c1 6avid-reader21
this needs more chapters. i would love to read it.
12/16/2010 c1 8aihane-chaan

aah, can't u make more of the hizuri's ? hehee :D

overall, love this fic XDD
11/17/2010 c1 25golden doe
nothing could be more embarrassing than that! Wow! that made me laugh a lot! great job!
10/13/2010 c1 43Fantasy-Magician
The last story from Kuu is sooooooo funny XDDD Oh... adorable Kuon-chan~
10/8/2010 c1 4sunnygcat
gimmi a minute cant breath from laughing so hard

no OOC at all

i think this is exactly what would happen if they were put in that situation

poor ren V.V


XD cant ...BREATH!

10/3/2010 c1 9mochiusagi
hahaha that was great! Poor Ren, I mean really. haha.
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