Just In
for Twist of Fate

8/6/2024 c7 Hank1967
I do hope you revisit this story. It's quite good. I don't know why you are not satisfied with it. You've brought Daphne to life in a very original manner. I rather like her. Harry is coming along nicely, too. It's also rather neat to see Harry with another friend besides Ron and Hermione. I like it when fanfiction deviates from the canon. It's no fun to read the same thing over and over again.
6/1/2023 c4 Samwise Pevensie
Love the visual ending of the room getting darker.
3/11/2021 c7 Haphne Emeraldplains
I really do hope you come around to this story again. It's an interesting idea and I don't think I've seen stories of this type of caliber yet
5/16/2020 c7 8music-coder
Lovely story. I know the summary says that this story is discontinued, but also pending rewrite. I hope the latter is still the case.
6/11/2019 c1 ironhair
6/11/2019 c7 ironhair
Dumbledore's explanations are something you don't often see (about not being able to move the mirror). Thanks for a believable and good explanation.
5/19/2019 c7 George1892
This was a fun story. Hope you come back to it someday.
12/28/2018 c7 28iNiGmA
I loved the focus on Dapne in this chapter.
Loved the mirror scene. It made me really quite sad for her. And using her to show Harry the mirror is a good way to get him there, now that he doesn’t have to go looking for Flamel.
You also write a perfect Dumbledore, by the way. I love how he told them to guess the password.

Back to an overall comment. This chapter was brilliant... and it was, by far, the best one. I usually take notes as I read along for reviews, but once I got to the part where she took Harry to the mirror I could not tear my eyes away to do so. It was beautiful. And beautifully done. What she saw, what Harry saw, and how you described it... her guilt and her realization. It was a heart breaking moment. And I’m glad she was there with him for it. You’ve made it even more poignant than the original in PS. The exchange with Dumbledore was also great. You set it up so wonderfully... and I just want to say honestly I AM sad this story is over because really, it was good. It was really good. It was right on wonderful. You developed Harry and Daphne and their relationship perfectly. Perfectly.

Anyway that said, I’m not going to sit here and tell you, “you should go finish that!” because I know entirely how annoying that kind of comment is, but I will say that I really enjoyed these 7 chapters. I’m glad I got to read them, because even if they are not complete they are a pleasure as they are. I suspect this will stick with me for a long while, as the really good stories tend to. And if you ever do continue it or write another story utilizing any of these ideas, I will be so excited to read it. :)

Thank you for this.
12/28/2018 c6 iNiGmA
Haha ok! I wondered if you would go that route, and have Ron run after Hermione on his own. And I'm very glad you did.
Wonderful tie in at the end with Hagrid, and perfectly adapted to your storyline.
I would really enjoy to see how Daphne would get on with Ron and Hermione! I bet that would be really fun.
This story started out good, but it's getting even better chapter by chapter.

"Wait – you want me to kiss your hand?"
"Yes, Potter," said Daphne. "Get it over with, now. We haven't got all day."
HAHA! I can just imagine these two adorable little eleven year olds having this conversation. Perfect.

Random grammar question for ya:
"Anyway," Daphne's face became businesslike, "it seems you're long overdue for a crash-course in basic wizarding etiquette." - Is this the appropriate way to break up sentence then, when there are commas involved within said sentence? I constantly seem to be getting lost as to where to use the dashes when I want to break up a sentence with an action, and how they interact with other punctuation! And where to just use commas, like you did here.
12/28/2018 c5 iNiGmA
This is a brilliant chapter! Perfectly executed. I love the conversation with Daphne here, the way it was done and also the content of their exchange. Brilliant.
I love the little bit about Harry thinking he should look for Hermione, but giving it up as a bad job.
All the details you’ve added to this chapter, like being excused from flying lessons, Harry’s feelings on reading, names like Black and Lestrange popping up, are honestly adding so much to this story. It feels like you’re pulling from a canon trove and expanding it.
“Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy” - lol I love that you used this book!
Holy shit that was a great divergence from the book! A lot of information for Harry there. The implications for what this means for the rest of year 1, and for their friendship with Hermione, are so interesting to contemplate. I suppose you were going to, from this point on, start to go in quite a different direction with the storyline. A fascinating direction, mind you.
12/27/2018 c4 iNiGmA
So your summary description of the flying lesson and everything that happened after is just so perfect it's literally a bit beautiful. It gives you just enough information to get the point across, without seeming like you're purposely omitting it from the story, but not so much that you feel like you're re-reading PS.

You know, this was a great chapter. I love their conversations, and the character you're molding Daphen into... and this story is setting up something really very interesting, and I suspect in 3 chapters I'm going to be entirely disappointed when I run out of content. I bet you left it off on a big cliffhanger. Did you? I should jump ahead and check! Nah I wont, I hate spoilers. lol
12/27/2018 c3 iNiGmA
It's refreshing to read this type of story, which goes through the events of the books, and have it not quote entirely from the books, or just do another angle on existing scenes. You're actually adding to it with a new perspective, which I appreciate. Nice. That's always my concern with these kinds of stories.

"if Ron were to meet Daphne, they would get on about as well as Harry and Uncle Vernon." - Haha, that was a really amusing analogy that worked really well.

Oh no poor Harry and Susan.
I enjoy how you're pointing out how little Harry knows here and really going into his thoughts about it.

I see you're making use of your The Argument idea here as well. And it works really well, as one thing growing out of proportion, changing shape from its original, and forming the basis for another.

I really enjoyed your Tempus spell.
12/27/2018 c2 iNiGmA
Nice Hagrid dialogue. Did you use the Hagrid dictionary? xD
I discovered it when I was re-writing chapter 5.
Oh, I assumed using surnames was a British thing, not a wizard thing. In America we just use first names at basically all times, so I've always found it intriguing.
Your Harry is like, very pleasant, and I enjoy the desire you gave him to be more aware of the world in which he resides. Will be interesting to see how the next few chapters go!
12/27/2018 c1 iNiGmA
Oh Daphne! All right, I see what you are doing here, I think.
You wrote naive and innocent Harry really well, by the way.
Wizard racism! So accurate. I'm a tad surprised Harry would pick up on it so quickly, but I'll take it!
7/26/2018 c7 28Son of Whitebeard
I hope you continue
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