Just In
for Alternative Arrangements

8/3/2013 c1 emmettandme
so sweet
7/4/2013 c1 it's simply me n you
Liked how you showed them begin to get to know each other over time. Very realistic since they didn't know each other at all when they got married.
5/16/2013 c1 NeverBeenMerelyPretty
This was a very well written story. I loved it :)
3/6/2013 c1 saree192
Loved it! This is one of those one-shots that i would love to read more from...
11/23/2012 c1 hannah
This was a really sweet story, thank you for sharing :)
11/10/2012 c1 cmb897
Ah man! There's not more!? It was a lovely chapter though. Thanks for writing it. D
10/22/2012 c1 Write2beCrazy
Loved it!
8/6/2012 c1 LittleMissAbigail
Such a shame this is a one shot.
6/21/2012 c1 1DMBSJB18
I feel like there is so, sooo much more to tgis wonderfully written story. I'm going to alert it, just in case (: wishful thinking and all.

I am glad E didn't cheat. I almost never forgive a cheater. I'm also intrigued by the way they didn't instantly fall in love... though, we all hate a tanya (:

Loved it.
5/26/2012 c1 2Prevouslyknownasxocrazililkelo
Great glimpse into the past!I love Twilight historical romance done right. Thanks for a great read.
4/6/2012 c1 REgrrl
Thank you for sharing this story. It's really almost a tease of a story (yes, I would have loved about another 8 chapters!). Both parties are coming from places of loss or being denied what they had thought was going to be their future. It's a lovely one shot, about friendship that blooms through their circumstances, which is a happy occasion in this matter.
3/26/2012 c1 twiquarius
also very interesting and to the point :)
2/29/2012 c1 My Friend Alice
What a great one shot! I would have loved to read more of their journey of falling in love.
1/15/2012 c1 r99smith
very nice story. the turns life takes are often unexpected
11/19/2011 c1 pottohipamus
Loved it :)
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